April 5, 2014
A Song About How There Isn’t Any God… Now with YouTube Comments!
April 5, 2014
Set Your Irony Meters to ‘Explode’: The Creation Museum’s New Ad Campaign Suggests ‘Noah’ Movie is Too Farfetched
April 5, 2014
Proposed Quebec Charter of Values May Lead to the Public Sector Firings of Those Who Wear Turbans or Hijabs
April 5, 2014
After Twitter User Says Prayer Won’t Stop Future Gun Tragedies, Congressman Responds, ‘Get the Heck Out of America’
April 5, 2014
What Single Factor Is Most Responsible for People Leaving Religion?

There are a few factors that have a strong association with religious affiliation, like whether your parents were religious and how much formal education you have, but Professor Allen B. Downey of the Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts says there’s another factor that has more influence than either of those options: The Internet. … it is easy to imagine at least two ways Internet use could contribute to disaffiliation. For people living in homogenous communities, the Internet provides opportunities to find information about people of other religions (and none), and to interact with them personally. Also, for people with religious doubt, the Internet provides access to people in similar circumstances all over the world. Conversely, it is harder (but not impossible) to imagine plausible reasons why disaffiliation might cause increased Internet use. Read more

April 5, 2014
Atheists May Soon Be Able to Officiate Wedding Ceremonies in Minnesota
April 4, 2014
Does Religion Deserve Respect?
April 4, 2014
If You’d Like to Hear Me Speak…
April 4, 2014
South Carolina’s Official State Fossil Represents an Animal ‘Created on the Sixth Day,’ Says Amendment to the Bill
April 4, 2014
New Policy in Italy: Catholic Bishops Are Not Obligated to Report Child Sexual Abuse

With the Vatican’s blessing — pun intended — Italy’s bishops have adopted a new policy pertaining to their obligations to report child molestation to the police. Specifically, the policy advises that bishops have no official obligation to report the sexual abuse of children to any legal authorities outside of the Catholic Church. According to the Italian Bishops’ Conference, these new guidelines reflect directives from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — the very same Vatican office responsible for investigating cases of sexual abuse (allegedly) perpetrated by priests. Rather than requiring all abusers to confront the criminal justice system, these guidelines call on bishops to consider their “moral duty to contribute to the common good,” as they understand it, in deciding how to approach a given case. This allows plenty of leeway for bishops to make the exact same moral calculation that inspired sex-abuse cover-ups in the first place: better to see a few abusers go unpunished than to blemish the reputation of Holy Mother Church. Read more

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