October 19, 2020
Christians Held a Huge COVID-Denying Event to Whine About Being “Non-Essential”
October 19, 2020
Archbishop Performs Exorcism After Protesters Topple Statue of Junipero Serra
October 19, 2020
Here’s What White Evangelicals Have Lost Due to Their Unholy Alliance with Trump
October 19, 2020
Donald Trump Attended a Las Vegas Church on Sunday That Ended Up Worshiping Him
October 18, 2020
Pro-Trump Creationist Ironically Urges You to Vote for the More Decent Candidate
October 18, 2020
Netherlands Supports Medically Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Children
October 18, 2020
Violating IRS Rules, Texas Pastor Tells Entire Church to Vote for Trump
October 18, 2020
Pro-Trump Christian Says, Without Irony, Sexual Purity Matters in Politics
October 17, 2020
Podcast Ep. 344: Can the Supreme Court be Fixed?
October 17, 2020
This Book Shows Every Word in the King James Bible, Arranged Alphabetically
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