January 7, 2021
Michele Bachmann and Franklin Graham Won’t Blame Conservatives for Capitol Coup
January 6, 2021
A Former Christian Nationalist Lawmaker is Part of the Attempted Capitol Coup
January 6, 2021
This Short Film About Ark Encounter Functions as an Unintentional Advertisement
January 6, 2021
COVID-Denying Pastor: Pandemic Restrictions Were “Spun Out of Control”
January 6, 2021
Christian Speaker at Trump Rally: “Hug Somebody… It’s a Mass-Spreader Event!”
January 6, 2021
TN Governor’s Office Will Send Out 12 Prayers in January to Deal with COVID
January 5, 2021
Please Support the Work I Do Through This Site
January 5, 2021
New Report Warns of Christian Nationalism Spreading to States Across the Country
January 5, 2021
COVID Outbreak in Boston Linked to In-Person Christmas Eve Church Services
January 5, 2021
The Greek Orthodox Church is Telling Priests to Ignore COVID Restrictions
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