April 7, 2021
Atheists Will No Longer Have to Swear an Oath to God in Order to Vote in Alabama
April 7, 2021
TN GOP Will Fix Statewide Ban on Priests in Government (But Atheist Ban Remains)
April 6, 2021
Everything Wrong With Genesis 50 in the Bible
April 6, 2021
MAGA Pastor: Soros Ruined South Africa with Scholarships for Black Students
April 6, 2021
Christian Boss-from-Hell Dave Ramsey: I Can Fire You Anytime, for Any Reason!
April 6, 2021
White Evangelicals Are Still Major Obstacles in COVID Vaccination Efforts
April 5, 2021
Everything Wrong With Genesis 49 in the Bible
April 5, 2021
NY GOP Official Resigns After Saying Gay People Would Die Out on an Island
April 5, 2021
Actor Jamie Kennedy Doesn’t Get the Criticism Over the Anti-Abortion Film He’s In
April 5, 2021
Researchers Say the Supreme Court is Now More “Pro-Religion” Than Ever Before
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