Christian Evangelist: Biden, Who’s “Not the President,” Is Blocking Prophecy February 26, 2021

Christian Evangelist: Biden, Who’s “Not the President,” Is Blocking Prophecy

Televangelist Robin Bullock, who said last November that the COVID crisis could be blamed on people who voted for Hillary Clinton and said last week that President Joe Bidendoesn’t exist,” continues to spread the Big Lie.

He said that Biden is somehow interfering with the “prophets” who insisted Donald Trump would serve a second term.

“We are in a full-on spiritual war,” Bullock said. “What we would call an administration is not one at all. There is no administration right this moment in the White House. Now, I’m just telling you straight up there’s not one there. Now you say, ‘Well, what are you talking about Brother Robin? That sounds crazy.’ Well, I’m about to explain myself. … There’s not an administration in the White House or in the Capitol. When the war left the heavens and came to the ground, this so-called administration is actually a regime whose sole purpose is to stop a prophecy from coming to pass. That’s what it is.”

“This man is not the president,” Bullock continued. “He’s sitting in the seat, but that’s not who he is. There’s no anointing there. The rightful king is still the rightful king, and he will be the rightful leader. It can’t ever really change until he’s voted out, and he’s never been voted out yet. … Why do you think there’s wire and razor wire and fencing and troops and force and show of everything around [the Capitol]? You only see this in third world countries. The reason is because he’s not right. And now this whole what men are calling an administration is to do nothing. Its sole purpose is to keep the prophecy that the prophets gave that the rightful president would be in office again, and this whole thing is to keep that from happening.

The wire is there to block out violent insurrectionists like the people who stormed the Capitol last month. Not to stick it to Jesus.

It’s not surprising that Bullock doesn’t understand what he’s seeing in this administration, especially compared to the previous one, because it’s actually doing, like, administrative things. It’s tackling issues that are important to the lives of Americans, Bullock included. Issues like stimulus checks, healthcare, climate change, and more. It’s been a little over a month, and Biden’s Twitter account hasn’t been censured by the site nor has he said anything even remotely derogatory.

And yet even that bit of normalcy is seen by people like Bullock as a form of Christian Persecution.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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