July 29, 2021
Rick Wiles: People Vaccinated with “Satanic Serum” Gave Me COVID
July 29, 2021
When a Muslim Woman Was Harassed at a Store, Bystanders Came to Her Defense
July 29, 2021
Defrocked Catholic Cardinal Charged with Sexually Assaulting Teen in the 1970s
July 29, 2021
Canadian Priest: Residential School Survivors Lie About Abuse to Make Money
July 29, 2021
GOP Senator to Biden Department of Justice Nominee: “Do You Believe in God?”
July 29, 2021
Christian Hate-Preacher: I’m Banning Masks at My Church! “We Will Not Allow It!”
July 28, 2021
Grand Rapids (MI) Cops Have Formed a Troubling Partnership with Clergy Members
July 28, 2021
Evangelist Robin Bullock: A Lady Found $300 in Bags of Chips, So God is Real
July 28, 2021
Dave Daubenmire: Dr. Fauci is an “Emissary of the Devil” Sent to Hurt Christians
July 28, 2021
An Ohio Church That Had a Transphobic Speaker Wants to Pretend It Never Happened
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