April 30, 2019
A TX Cemetery Board’s Decision to Remove Christian Imagery Has Locals Outraged
April 30, 2019
WV Asst. Principal Who Confronted Trans Student Near Bathroom Gets Old Job Back
April 30, 2019
An Entire Methodist Confirmation Class Rejects the Church Over Anti-Gay Policies
April 30, 2019
IL GOP Lawmaker Spreads Misleading Anti-Vaxxer Propaganda on Facebook
April 29, 2019
Harlem Hate-Pastor Has a History of Abuse, According to His Former Students
April 29, 2019
Hate Group: Adoption Agencies That Work With Gay Couples Aren’t “Christian”
April 29, 2019
A Trio of Bald Eagles, Included Two Dads, Is Successfully Raising Three Eaglets
April 29, 2019
A BYU Valedictorian Came Out as Gay in His Speech; It’s Not a Heartwarming Story
April 29, 2019
Police: Christian Man, En Route to Bible Study, Looked For Muslims to Crash Into
April 29, 2019
FOX News Rabbi Blames Synagogue Shooting on Nation’s “Decline in Religiosity”
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