June 21, 2020
Manitoba Churches Demand to Reopen, Saying COVID Precautions Were Overblown
June 21, 2020
Church in New York Holds Another Gun Giveaway; the Mystique of the AR-15 Endures
June 21, 2020
Hate-Preacher Franklin Graham Slams Dr. Fauci for Saying “Science is Truth”
June 20, 2020
Podcast Ep. 327: A Pastor’s Push for the “White Blessing” of Slavery
June 20, 2020
Oz Pastor Who Raped a Woman During “Prayer of Deliverance” Remains a Free Man
June 20, 2020
BREAKING: Six Trump Rally Workers Have COVID; Ahead of Event, Tulsa Cases Rocket
June 20, 2020
GOP Senator Laughably Claims Evangelical Christians Have “Shut Up” for Too Long
June 20, 2020
Jehovah’s Witness Gets Six-Plus Years in Jail For What Shouldn’t Ever Be a Crime
June 20, 2020
A Religion Class in England Asked Students if “Kiddy Fiddlers” Are in Purgatory
June 20, 2020
Brazilian Pastor Prays for Another Holocaust to “Destroy the Jews Like Vermin”
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