April 11, 2013
Congressman Cites Biblical Flood As Proof That Global Climate Change Isn’t Human-Made

On Tuesday, the Subcommittee on Energy and Power held a hearing on H.R. 3, the Northern Route Approval Act which deals with the Keystone pipeline. If approved, the pipeline would carry crude oil from Canada into the U.S. Many environmentalists don’t want to see the pipeline approved because they fear that the increased access to petroleum products could accelerated global climate change. Whether you agree that the pipeline is a bad idea or that the benefits outweigh the risks, the scientific consensus regarding global climate change is that the current spike we’re seeing is, at least in part, caused by human activities. But Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) disagrees. He believes that Noah’s Flood is proof that global climate change is not human-made: [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 11, 2013
Kay Warren’s Struggle with Doubt
April 11, 2013
Turkish Creationist: Islam Encourages Scientific Progress… Wait, What?
April 10, 2013
The Christian View of Women Who Preach
April 10, 2013
Roger Ebert Would Have Given His Obit Cartoons Two Thumbs Down
April 10, 2013
Liberty Counsel Leader: Atheists Are ‘Coming in to Finish the Job’ of Bringing Down the Twin Towers

A couple of weeks ago, a judge threw out American Atheists’ lawsuit against The National September 11 Memorial & Museum and its display of a 17-foot-tall steel beam cross. Judge Deborah Batts believed the giant cross was both “historical and secular” and not at all an endorsement of Christianity. (American Atheists didn’t see it that way and plans to appeal the ruling.) In case it’s not clear — and it’s usually not in reports of this lawsuit — the atheists are just as patriotic as anyone else and supportive of the memorial overall. They just didn’t want one religion to be promoted, whatever the reason, when families who were not Christian weren’t given the same opportunity. Earlier today, Mat Staver and Shawn Akers, both of the Christian legal group Liberty Counsel, were talking about the lawsuit on the “Faith and Freedom” radio program. Akers suggested that, while Muslim extremists brought down the Twin Towers, American Atheists is trying to “finish the job”: [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 10, 2013
A Christian’s Open Letter to Church: Don’t Give Me an Ultimatum
April 10, 2013
New Survey Shows Millennials Are Losing Faith, but Americans Still Think Atheism is Bad for Society
April 10, 2013
North Carolina Republican Equates Praying to Allah with Terrorism
April 10, 2013
Tacoma Coffeehouse Owners Change Their Mind About Letting Atheist Folk Singer Shelley Segal Perform In Their Shop

The other day, Hemant posted about the difficulties Camp Quest organizers ran into when they tried to put on a fund raiser at Oklahoma Joe’s BBQ. The fundraiser had been cancelled abruptly because  the owner’s “Christian philosophy” didn’t mesh with Camp Quest’s secular beliefs. On the very same day, crew members of Ask An Atheist received an email regarding an event they had been organizing to host Australian atheist folk-singer/song-writer Shelley Segal. The email was from Anthem Beverage & Bistro, the venue where Shelley’s performance was scheduled to take place this Sunday. Originally, plans for the event were going great, with Anthem staff saying they’d even be willing to stay open late as long as there were enough people ordering food to keep the kitchen open. Of course, throughout their email correspondence, the Ask An Atheist folks made it clear that they were the ones who would be hosting this event. They never hid who they were and what kind of event they wanted to host. But Monday’s email made it clear that things had changed: [Click headline for more…] Read more

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