April 25, 2013
Who Said the Line About Putting a Hand on the Bible and Swearing to Uphold the Constitution…?
April 25, 2013
Some Advice for Pro-Lifers
April 25, 2013
Prospect Magazine Names Richard Dawkins World’s Top Thinker
April 25, 2013
Christian Anti-Gay Video Depicts Man Coming Out to His Wife… as an Adulterer
April 25, 2013
In Church, No Less!
April 25, 2013
A Video of Muslim Women Who Have Been Victims of Acid Attacks
April 24, 2013
Don’t Hang the Ten Commandments in the County Jail When Eight of Them Are Perfectly Legal

In 2010, Robert Arnold was elected Sheriff of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. And he’s finally figured out how to lower crime rates, help prisoners, and get re-elected all at the same time: By posting a copy of the Ten Commandments in the lobby of the Rutherford County Jail: Arnold in 2012 accepted a framed copy showing the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights from June Griffin, a Rhea County activist. “Those are documents this country was founded on,” Arnold said during an interview at his office. “Those are documents that all laws are derived from in this country.” … “The job is to enforce the laws of the land, and those are three documents of laws of the land,” said Arnold. “Those are the founding three documents of the laws of this country.” [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 24, 2013
Bill from Louie Gohmert is Literally the Opposite of Church-State Separation
April 24, 2013
Andrew Sullivan on ‘High-Minded Nonsense’ of Liberals on Tsarnaev Brothers

There has been a swirl of debate around what might or might not have been the motivations behind the Boston bombing attacks allegedly carried out by the Tsarnaev brothers, but one voice has stood out to me in this discussion: that of Andrew Sullivan’s. Sullivan began by confronting the garment-rending of Glenn Greenwald, accusing him of “left-liberal self-parody.” [T]o dismiss the overwhelming evidence that this was also religiously motivated — a trail that now includes a rant against his own imam for honoring Martin Luther King Jr. because he was not a Muslim — is to be blind to an almost text-book case of Jihadist radicalization… To state today that we really still have no idea what motivated him and that rushing toward the word Jihadist is some form of Islamophobia seems completely bizarre to me. When will some understand how dangerous religious fundamentalism truly is? And when will they grasp that a religion that does not entirely eschew violence (like the Gospels or Buddhism) will likely produce violence when its extremist loners seek meaning in a bewildering multicultural modern world? This was an act of Jihad. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 24, 2013
Autistic Kids Lack the God Part of the Brain and Need Therapy to Fix It, Says Head of a Turkish Autism Organization
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