May 3, 2013
Is Richard Dawkins Charming Enough?
May 3, 2013
Tulsa Mayor Credits Talking to God for City’s Transformation
May 3, 2013
FOX News Channel Guest: The Age of Enlightenment and Reason Led to the Holocaust
May 3, 2013
Why Twitter is Helping the Pope Improve His Image

Pope Francis’ pronouncement yesteday on Twitter might come as a bit of surprise: My thoughts turn to all who are unemployed, often as a result of a self-centred mindset bent on profit at any cost.— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) May 2, 2013 Benedict XVI made similar gestures during his reign, which predated the now-routine practice of official papal tweeting, but this message seems different in tone. I note a distinct absence of appeals to the supernatural; Francis does not claim that unemployment jeopardizes man’s capacity to walk with God, avoid sin, etc. He likely would have expanded on these points in a forum that allowed for elaboration, yes, but the name of the game on Twitter is concision, and careful thought went into the tweet’s precise composition. [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 3, 2013
Mikey Weinstein Appears on FOX News Channel to Discuss Religion in the Military
May 2, 2013
The Five Pillars: A Non-Religious Rap EP
May 2, 2013
Atheists Meet with Conservative Kansas Governor Sam Brownback
May 2, 2013
Chicago Church Leaders Want Special Exemption So They Don’t Have to Pay for Water

The city of Chicago — and the whole state of Illinois, really — doesn’t know how to handle money. I know (first-hand) how horribly they’ve handled pensions for teachers and our last mayor left a legacy of throwing away millions of future dollars to fill short-term budget gaps. The latest controversial money-making decision involves asking non-profits in the city to pay for water, which they’re generally been able to use for free. Over the weekend, Mayor Rahm Emanuel put forth a compromise plan that would only require non-profit groups with assets over $1,000,000 to have to pay for water. But churches are non-profit groups, too, and the Catholic Church isn’t exactly synonymous with poverty… so they’re not taking this news well, as they made clear in a press conference yesterday: [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 2, 2013
After Turning Last Year’s Graduation Into a Church Service, a Superintendent Finally Sees the Light

At last year’s graduation ceremony for Veterans High School in Georgia, Superintendent Robin Hines went full-force in making sure Christianity was honored along with the students. The event included a formal prayer, the singing of a gospel song (“Find Your Wings” by Mark Harris), and Hines himself spoke to the students about how they needed to “live life with a strong faith in God.” Wes Bryant, an actual veteran who was there to watch his niece graduate, couldn’t believe what he was hearing so he alerted the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which sent the school a complaint letter: “It’s really angering to come back and be exposed to that — to be expected to be a Christian wherever I’m at and not have your beliefs or lack of belief honored in your community,” said Bryant, an atheist, when reached by phone Monday. “(Christianity) is the majority religion, we know that, but it is nonetheless honoring one religion at a public school forum.” … “It alienates everyone else that doesn’t believe the same way, and it does send a message from the school, which does in some way represent the government,” he said. At the time, Hines made no promise of changing anything in the future, and that’s usually a bad sign. You would expect him to keep things just the way they are. [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 2, 2013
Carroll County, Maryland Sued for Promoting Christianity at Board Meetings
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