May 17, 2013
Camp Quest Kansas City Is Ready for Action
May 17, 2013
Boston Archbishop Boycotts Commencement Ceremony at Catholic School Because Pro-Choice Politician Will Be Speaking
May 17, 2013
Harvard Atheists Team Up to Write About Godless Congregations
May 17, 2013
The Subtext of Mark Driscoll’s Pseudo-Apology
May 17, 2013
Why <em>Star Wars</em> is Like Religion
May 17, 2013
This School Has the Worst Fire Safety Policy You’ve Ever Seen

The other day, I posted a story about a former Pensacola Christian College student who had awful recollections of the school’s fire drill policy: Of course PCC isn’t known for really caring much about fire safety anyway. For years the rule has remained on the books that all female students must be in “proper” attire before they leave their rooms for a fire drill. If you happen to be sleeping in pajama pants, you must take the time to put on a skirt before you try to escape the flames. If you should perish then at least you’ll know you died for the cause of not tempting the fire fighters to lust after you. It seemed pretty unbelievable, so I sent an email to PCC asking them what their actual policy was in the case of a fire. Did they really require proper attire? This was the response I got back: [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 17, 2013
Power to the Apostates
May 16, 2013
An Atheist is Running for Mayor of LaGrange, Georgia
May 16, 2013
Believing in a Higher Power Shouldn’t Be a Prerequisite to Becoming a Boy Scout
May 16, 2013
The Other I.R.S. Scandal

***Edit***: This post went up with words clipped and shortened. I’m not sure why, but the intended draft is below. Sorry for the weirdness. … Yesterday, President Obama rightly disciplined two I.R.S. employees for unfairly targeting conservative groups and the IRS’ acting director Steven Miller resigned. Wonderful. I’m glad someone’s taking the fall. (***Edit***: Looking back, it’s unclear what role Miller had in any of this, so while it’s good to see action, this is really more symbolic than anything else.) However, there’s another scandal that’s been taking place at the IRS and it’s gone completely under the radar. Last October (and years before that, too), on “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” more than 1,500 pastors endorsed a candidate for President during church in complete violation of the law. They did it openly and proudly, people documented them doing it, the material was sent to the I.R.S. … and nothing happened. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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