July 5, 2013
Will the United States Become a Theocracy?
July 4, 2013
She Can’t Say Nice Things About the Atheist Monument Because She Fears ‘Retaliation from Christians’
July 4, 2013
He’s Been Exiled from His Home for More Than a Year… for Challenging a Catholic ‘Miracle’
July 4, 2013
OK, Jesus Loved the Little Children. Now Stop Sacrificing Them To Him.

Maybe you recall this perfectly maddening case (if you do, skip ahead for a good-news update): [A]n 11-year-old girl named Madeline Kara Neumann [photo], known as Kara to family and friends… died of undiagnosed diabetes on Easter Sunday in March 2008 at her home in Weston, a central Wisconsin village about 140 miles north of Madison. Kara, who had been growing weak for several weeks leading up to her death, eventually became too sick to speak, eat, drink or walk. Her parents, Dale and Leilani Neumann, don’t belong to any organized religion or church but identify themselves as Pentecostal Christians and believe visiting a doctor is akin to worshipping an idol. … Dale Neumann testified that the possibility of death never entered their minds. After the girl died, Leilani Neumann told police God would raise Kara from the dead. For some reason, that didn’t happen. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 4, 2013
Does It Matter That the Atheist Bench in Florida Looks Kinda Ugly?
July 4, 2013
Ohio School Board That Tried to Push Revisionist Christian History Cancels Course
July 4, 2013
More Witches Have Been Executed Since World War II Than in Centuries Past
July 4, 2013
Evangelism Through Debate: A Profile of Christian Apologist William Lane Craig

You know, if I were going to write a profile of a Christian apologist, I probably wouldn’t bring it up in front of Richard Dawkins… but that’s what Nathan Schneider did: When, during a conversation in a swank hotel lobby in Manhattan, I mentioned to Richard Dawkins that I was working on a story about William Lane Craig, the muscles in his face clenched. “Why are you publicizing him?” Dawkins demanded, twice. The best-selling “New Atheist” professor went on to assure me that I shouldn’t bother, that he’d met Craig in Mexico — they opposed each other in a prime-time, three-on-three debate staged in a boxing ring—and found him “very unimpressive.” “I mean, whose side are you on?” Dawkins said. “Are you religious?” That’s quintessential Dawkins for you right there 🙂 It’s actually a very interesting article about Craig, if for no other reason than it explains his usual debate game plan, which amounts to little more than a Gish Gallop: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 4, 2013
Say It All Together Now: The ‘Proof of Heaven’ Author Made Everything Up

Did you ever hear the story of how the band Van Halen had a line in their contract rider stipulating that a bowl of M&Ms had to be backstage before a show… but there couldn’t be any brown M&Ms in it? The request wasn’t there just for the hell of it; it served a practical purpose. If there were brown M&Ms in the bowl, that meant the local crew hadn’t read through the contract. If they hadn’t read through the contract, they might have also missed out on checking some very important technical details, which could have ultimately led to minor or major problems during the performance. The principle was that if you got the little things wrong, you probably screwed up the big things, too. That’s what was going through my mind when I read Luke Dittrich’s fantastic takedown of Dr. Eben Alexander in Esquire (the story is behind a $1.99 paywall). Alexander is the man who claimed to have visited Heaven while nearly dead, only to come back, write a book about it (Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife), and rake in the cash. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 4, 2013
Adelaide Atheists Succeed in Bringing Museum’s Evolution Exhibit Back
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