July 9, 2013
Pedophile Priest Uses a Ticket to Heaven to Manipulate His Victim

This is one of the cases that pushes so many of us from being mere atheists into becoming angry atheists. It’s a case of unadulterated religious abuse — the kind that wouldn’t be possible if we taught our children critical thinking instead of unsubstantiated faith and unthinking respect for authority. This is the kind of thing that lends credence to the argument that “religion poisons everything.” Like so many others before him, and doubtless many more to come, Belfast priest James Martin Donaghy has been convicted of sexual assault — a total of seventeen offenses against three boys, though he has since admitted to the existence of other victims. These were boys he found and groomed through his work as a parish priest. Tragic, infuriating, but hardly unusual. The devil, you might say, is in the details. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 9, 2013
‘Do the New Atheists Have Any New Ideas?’ Here’s Why That’s a Bad Question
July 9, 2013
Liberty Counsel: DOMA Repeal Will Lead to Christian Revolution
July 9, 2013
Pat Robertson: I Wouldn’t ‘Like’ a Gay Couple on Facebook… I Would Click ‘Vomit’ Instead
July 8, 2013
Bill Maher’s New Rules on Religion
July 8, 2013
Did the <em>Daily Oklahoman</em> Reject a Full-Page Ad from an Atheist Group?
July 8, 2013
Ask Richard: Young Atheist’s Parents Face Bigotry and Harrassment in Small Religious Town
July 8, 2013
Video from the Megachurch Service
July 8, 2013
Over the Weekend, I Spoke at a Megachurch…
July 8, 2013
Christian Forgiveness: It’s a Bug, Not a Feature

Yesterday, I briefly highlighted three cases of ex-convicts who got jobs as Christian pastors. The trust of their flock was the only protective cloak they needed to rape and murder again; so rape and murder they did. In the case of Michigan pastor John D. White, who killed a young woman and is believed to have had sex with her dead body, the congregation that hired him knew he had a rap sheet full of violence. But White had embraced Jesus. No more was needed. His conversion and ordainment quelled all suspicion, worry, or second thought. An actual minister would never do anything truly bad, would he? Forgiveness is always available from God — damn the consequences. Christians think of redemption as a feature of their faith. But what if it’s a bug? To the Almighty, nothing is unforgivable. Let that sink in. Nothing. You can be a genocidal maniac who eats crushed-up infants on toast during snack time… and still go to heaven if you eventually repent. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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