July 19, 2013
New Study Shows Breakdown of People Who Believe You Need God to be Good
July 19, 2013
Christian Pastor: ‘I Have Never Met Anyone Who is Actually Happy About Having Sex Before They Were Married’
July 19, 2013
The Pope’s Advice-Giver
July 19, 2013
This Is What You Have to Yell to Make Jesus Come to Life
July 18, 2013
Matt Dillahunty’s Excellent Response to ‘How to Be an Atheist Without Being a Dick About It’

Jezebel’s Lindy West posted an article today called “How to Be an Atheist Without Being a Dick About It”… which gives you some indication of where her mind is at. It’s the sort of thing people say when their impression of how atheists act is limited primarily to reading Internet comments written by anonymous jackasses. It’s especially rich coming from the same person who wrote a piece titled “Fuck the Pope.” It’s not that she’s wrong — of course we shouldn’t be dicks. Of course, in any large group of people, there’s bound to be a handful of awful individuals who deserve our condemnation. But that’s not just a lesson for atheists. It applies to damn near everyone, especially when it comes to issues where good people can have serious disagreements. Matt Dillahunty has done an excellent job of breaking the article down and responding to her (lack of) points. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 18, 2013
Humanist Delivers Godless Invocation at Wilmington City Council Meeting
July 18, 2013
England and Wales Legalize Marriage Equality… and Churches Are Upset for No Good Reason
July 18, 2013
If a State’s Holocaust Memorial Includes a Jewish Star, Does It Violate Church/State Separation?
July 18, 2013
An Underage Bride… in the Bible
July 18, 2013
A Ticket to Heaven on Twitter: Pope Francis Offers Social Media Indulgences

These aren’t your great-grandma’s indulgences. In modern Catholicism, indulgences are typically granted for activities that demonstrate extra faith: certain prayers and pilgrimages, for instance, will get all or part of your currently accrued sin wiped off your slate (assuming, of course, that you confess to a priest and show proper contrition). In September of 2012, Pope Benedict announced a fresh slate of indulgence-worthy acts for the upcoming Year of Faith (2012-2013), where he mentioned the possibility of gaining indulgences by reciting specific prayers “at a moment when the words of the Supreme Pontiff or of the Diocesan Bishops are broadcast via the television or radio” — a bit like a video game player inputting the proper cheat codes at the correct moment of game play. And if you can do it with television or radio, why not with Twitter or Instagram? [Click headline for more…] Read more

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