August 7, 2013
#FourWordBible Trends on Twitter
August 7, 2013
A Creationist Just Criticized the Intelligent Design Movement for Not Being Christian Enough
August 7, 2013
Pennsylvania Legislator Wants Science Teachers to ‘Teach the Controversy’ About Evolution

Pennsylvania State Rep. Stephen Bloom thinks he has a brilliant idea to make our science classes better: He wants everyone to debate already-settled scientific concepts like evolution and global warming: “In the real world, outside of academia, scientific theory is up for all kinds of argument,” Bloom said. “I don’t think it’s right to exclude any particular kind of argument prima facie. If a student wants to discuss a criticism, he or she should be able to.” I love that first sentence. Bloom is saying that when you talk to people who don’t know a lot about science, they debate things that real scientists already understand. No kidding. And instead of letting the experts dictate the curriculum, Bloom wants the people who know the least about it (including himself) to tell teachers what to discuss in their classrooms. [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 7, 2013
Chris Kluwe, NFL Punter and American Atheists 2014 Convention Speaker, is Actually ‘Cheerfully Agnostic’
August 7, 2013
Public School Superintendent: ‘Prayer is Very Much a Part of School’
August 7, 2013
American Atheists’ 2014 Conference to Feature LGBT-Friendly NFL Punter and Reality Show Winner
August 7, 2013
Disgraced Chaplain Claims On-Camera That Martin Luther King Endorsed Discrimination of Gays
August 7, 2013
Why Do Atheists Hate God?
August 7, 2013
Ray Comfort’s New Anti-Evolution Movie Is Now Online
August 6, 2013
Candy Crush Saga is Like Religion Because…
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