September 29, 2013
French Official: We Should Replace Some of Our Christian Holidays with Jewish and Muslim Ones

If you work in America, you likely have Christmas Day off because it’s a federal holiday. While there are arguments to be made about how that’s an illegal establishment of religion, it also just makes sense from an employer’s perspective. If the majority of your employees would be taking the day off, anyway, why bother having anybody come in? In France, Dounia Bouzar, a recent appointee to the country’s National Observatory of Secularism, made some controversial remarks to the magazine Challenges when she suggested that the country would be better off replacing a couple of the Christian holidays with Jewish and Muslim ones: “At the moment, every French person celebrates Christmas, and I think our public holidays should include one Jewish festival and one Muslim festival,” she said. Rather than simply adding those dates on to the list of public holidays, however, the anthropologist insisted: “We must replace two Christian festivals with Yom Kippur and Eid.” [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 29, 2013
Should This TV Commenter Have Been Fired For an Off-the-Air Comment About Gay Marriage?

I’d like your opinion on this: Sports commentator Ralph Gurdy was recently fired from an NBC affiliate for saying — not on the air, but during a public function unrelated to his TV work — that gay people are born that way and that there’s nothing wrong with same-sex marriage. That’s pretty weird and outrageous, isn’t it? It didn’t actually happen (I made it up as a thought experiment; there is no Ralph Gurdy who’s a talking head for NBC), but this did: Sports commentator Craig James (pictured below) was fired from a regional Fox outfit because he was “not a good fit” and a “polarizing figure in the college sports community.” Fox also said that James, who had just one on-air performance before he was kicked out, had not been “properly vetted.” So far, so uninteresting, but the problem lies in a further statement made to the Dallas Morning News by an unidentified Fox spokesperson who referred to James’s unsuccessful Senate run, during which the candidate said that being gay is a choice and that gay people will have to answer to God. [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 29, 2013
New South Wales Supreme Court Tells Brainwashed Teenager He Can’t Kill Himself for Religious Reasons… Yet

We’ve heard stories of Jehovah’s Witness parents willing to let their children die rather than accept a life-saving blood transfusion. Thankfully, the law almost always sides against the parents. If they want to refuse the blood to save their own lives, so be it. But they have no right to kill their children because of their own religious beliefs. In Sydney, Australia, a 17-year-old Jehovah’s Witness cancer victim compared receiving a blood transfusion to “being raped.” He told doctors he would “rip the IV out of his arm” if they gave him the transfusion. He would rather die than betray his religious beliefs. Thankfully, the New South Wales Supreme Court told him he has to accept the transfusion. He’s a minor, so he doesn’t get to kill himself… yet. [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 29, 2013
Ken Ham Claims Atheists Secretly Believe in God
September 28, 2013
Citizens for Subjective Public Education
September 28, 2013
Amazing Science
September 28, 2013
Forensics Expert Says That Al-Shabaab’s Mall-Siege Hostages Were Tortured in the Worst Possible Ways
September 28, 2013
Pastor Who Told Gay Volunteer He Couldn’t Work with Children Anymore Clarifies Decision by Saying Nothing

I’ve posted a couple of times already about how Pastor Mark Brewer of Crosspoint Wesleyan Church in Fredericton, New Brunswick kicked 20-year-old Colin Briggs out of the church because he was gay. Despite Briggs being a long-time volunteer, missionary, and camp counselor for the church, Brewer feared that other members of the congregation would not want to leave their children near Briggs if they ever found out about his sexual orientation… so instead of enlightening the congregation, he asked Briggs to stop volunteering with them. On Facebook, Christians and non-Christians alike blasted Brewer for his decision. Even conservative Christians could argue this was a violation of “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” This week, Brewer spoke to his congregation about his decision: [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 28, 2013
Graveyard of the Gods
September 28, 2013
Montgomery, Alabama’s Solution to Fighting Crime: Jesus
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