September 30, 2013
This is What an Atheist Assembly Could Look Like
September 30, 2013
So That’s How Noah Fit Them All in There…
September 30, 2013
Sponsor Richard Wade and Atheists United at the AIDS Walk Los Angeles!

This is your chance to save lives and help the atheist cause! On Sunday, October 13 many tens of thousands of people will see atheists being not just good, but EXCELLENT! Since its inception in 1985, the annual AIDS Walk Los Angeles has grown into the largest AIDS fundraising event in California and has raised a total of $75 million to support the services provided by AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA) and more than 20 other AIDS service organizations in Los Angeles County. It attracts 30,000 participants each year. I will be walking the 10 km route through West Hollywood with the Atheists United team in our bright red t-shirts with the Atheists United name, phone number, and web address. So far, 13 god-free good guys and gals are ready to joyfully join the massive crowds. My personal goal is to raise $1,000, and with the help of three dear friends, it’s already at $200. You can help me reach that goal, help conquer AIDS, and help atheists demolish that annoying stereotype of our being selfish nihilists who don’t care about anything. [Click headline to get to the really good part…] Read more

September 30, 2013
Christians Have Nothing to Fear About Secular Colleges
September 30, 2013
Community Theater Cancels Production of ‘Inherit the Wind’ After Local Creationists Complain

The New Ulm Actors Community Theater in Minnesota was planning to stage a production of “Inherit the Wind” next week, but the classic play about the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial has been postponed indefinitely: The reason? Local Creationists were offended: NUACT originally slated the play as its fall production with [Martin Luther College] student Zach Stowe as director. The play deals with a fictionalized version of the evolution/creationism debate in the 1925 Scopes “Monkey Trial.” The play is also a metaphor for criticizing the suppression of free expression under the McCarthyism of the 1950s. The play was not slated to be performed at MLC, but a final audition was scheduled on campus on Friday, Aug. 30. NUACT previously used MLC for auditions, rehearsals and performances. After seeing the poster for the audition, several MLC professors raised objections about the play’s subject to the administration. … “We felt it was not compatible with what [the school] teaches the Bible says about the universe and the world,”? said [MLC’s VP of Student Life Jeffrey] Schone. “This is a ministerial school. People employing our students need confidence about their views.” I love that final line. As if what potential employers seek from these students is not a weakly-held truth but a confidently-held lie. Students won’t be employable if we keep challenging their firmly-held and completely-discredited views! So stop making them think! (Though I guess the statement makes sense, given what pastors say from the pulpit on a regular basis…) [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 30, 2013
‘Millions of Americans Are Living Happily Without Religion,’ Declares New Atheist Ad Campaign
September 30, 2013
Canadian Radio Broadcaster: Why Won’t Atheists Just Shut Up?

Canadian radio broadcaster Michael Enright wrote an essay yesterday in which he blasted atheists for not having a sense of humor and talking about it so damn much: It’s not that atheists don’t believe in God. That’s fine. It’s not against the law. Atheism is a coherent system of beliefs arrived at, I am sure, after some very serious and sober consideration. Atheists are not being prosecuted or silenced. They are lovingly tended by media interviewers, me included, and their nuanced arguments are politely acknowledged. The problem to me is that they won’t shut up about it. The public, endless public profession of atheism to me reflects a whiny, whinging self-pitying narcissism. In the last ten years or so, atheism has taken on some of the elements of fundamentalist Christianity. Maybe he doesn’t get it because he’s Canadian. But on the off-chance he’s put more than a second of thought into this, then his ignorance is staggering here. [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 30, 2013
The People of Cranston, Rhode Island Still Hold a Grudge Against Jessica Ahlquist
September 29, 2013
Edward Tarte Describes His Friendship with Another Young Priest Fifty Years Ago
September 29, 2013
You Know I Love Ambigrams…
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