October 1, 2013
Five Atheism-Related Stories from the Past Week That Left Me Shaking My Head…
October 1, 2013
Christians Know How to Twerk It
October 1, 2013
This is How You Know Your Religion is Harmful…

Neil Carter offers up a fantastic list of ways you know your religion is harmful at his blog Godless in Dixie. In short: Your Religion May Be Harmful… 1) If it inspires inactivity when action is what is needed. 2) If it teaches you to accept things as they are when they should be changed. 3) If it conditions you to overly rely on subjective sources of decision-making. 4) If it discourages critical thinking skills. 5) If it teaches you to distrust science. 6) If its other-worldly promises distract you from finding solutions to this-world problems. 7) If it leads you to actively discriminate against others because of their gender, their sexual orientation, or their beliefs. 8) If it teaches you to fundamentally distrust yourself and to view yourself as essentially broken, weak, or unable to think for yourself. 9) If it sucks a significant amount of time or money from your life. [Click headline for more…] Read more

October 1, 2013
Creationist Criticizes Atheists for Assuming Something is Wrong ‘No Matter What Evidence is Before Them’
October 1, 2013
The Birth of Speaking in Tongues
October 1, 2013
Scotland’s 2011 Census Data May Have Underrepresented the Percent of Non-Religious Citizens
October 1, 2013
The Lawyer Who Helped Remove Mandatory Bible Readings from Public Schools Has Died

In 1963, Madalyn Murray O’Hair gained notoriety for her role in the Supreme Court case that removed mandatory Bible readings from public schools. Less noticed, but equally important, was her lawyer Leonard J. Kerpelman. Kerpelman took on her case pro bono in 1960 and successfully argued in front of the justices years later, leading to an eventual 8-1 victory. Late last week, the 88-year-old Kerpelman died from complications from a tumor. “I see no constitutional objection to the study of religion, history of religion, or the study of the Bible as literature,” he told The [Baltimore] Sun in 1963. “But this ceremony is sectarian, and it is impossible to have such a ceremony that is not sectarian.” After the decision, both client and attorney were vilified and accused of taking God out of the classroom and leading the nation down the road of atheism. … After the case was resolved, Mr. Kerpelman had few dealings with O’Hair, who left Baltimore in 1964 and disappeared in 1995. Her mutilated remains, along with those of a son and granddaughter, were identified in a remote part of Texas in 2001. [Click headline for more…] Read more

October 1, 2013
Why Are So Many High School Football Coaches Preaching to Their Athletes?
October 1, 2013
No, We Won’t Be Quiet About Our Atheism
October 1, 2013
New Poll Shows That 1 in 3 Young Jewish Americans Are Not Religious

A new survey on Jewish Americans released just now by the Pew Research Center shows what we’ve come to expect from these reports: They are becoming less religious overall, with Millennial Jews even less religious than their older counterparts: A Pew Research reanalysis of the 2000-2001 National Jewish Population Survey suggests that at that time, 93% of Jews in that study were Jews by religion and 7% were Jews of no religion (after some adjustments to make the NJPS and Pew Research categories as similar as possible). In the new Pew Research survey, 78% of Jews are Jews by religion, and fully 22% are Jews of no religion (including 6% who are atheist, 4% who are agnostic and 12% whose religion is “nothing in particular”). Though the two studies employed different question wording and methodologies and are thus not directly comparable, the magnitude of these differences suggests that Jews of no religion have grown as a share of the Jewish population and the overall U.S. public. The new Pew Research survey finds that approximately 0.5% of U.S. adults — about 1.2 million people — are Jews of no religion. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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