October 7, 2013
Justice Antonin Scalia: The Devil is ‘Getting People Not to Believe in Him or in God’
October 7, 2013
Yale Humanist Community Applies for Official Recognition from Campus Ministries… and Gets Rejected
October 7, 2013
The Discovery Institute is Mad at Ball State University for Offering the Most Awesome Class Ever

A couple months ago, I wrote a bit about Ball State University, its president, Jo Ann Gora, and a science class that was not very scientific. I was pretty excited to be writing about BSU because Gora was taking a stand for all that is good and true in this world — namely, teaching science in science classes. After Ball State hired a professor (Eric Hedin) who was encouraging the “theory” of Intelligent Design in his physics class, the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a complaint. In a great move, Gora and Ball State put the kibosh on that situation, drawing the ire of The Discovery Institute. A representative from the pro-creationism group criticized Gora, calling her insistence of teaching science in science courses “Orwellian.” Since then, it seems that they have been keeping their beady little eyes on Ball State, ready to spring into action for any real or perceived religious offenses. They found what they were looking for in an honors course called “Dangerous Ideas.” [Click headline for more…] Read more

October 7, 2013
15 More Things Christians Should Never Say to Atheists
October 7, 2013
Ken Ham Puts Up Anti-Atheist Billboards in Times Square and San Francisco
October 7, 2013
Undercover Journalist Joins (and Exposes) Toronto Program That Claims to Turn Gay People Straight
October 7, 2013
Cincinnati Police Department Knows How to Stop Crime: Walking and Praying
October 7, 2013
If You’re a Minority Atheist, This Researcher Would Like to Talk to You
October 6, 2013
Zack Kopplin Talks About His Fight Against Creationism in Louisiana Schools
October 6, 2013
Inquiring Minds: A New Science Podcast
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