October 11, 2013
Lesus Christ, Our Lord and Lavior
October 11, 2013
North Carolina Humanist Group Raises Money for Poor Women Affected by Republican Shutdown
October 11, 2013
8 Reasons Your Religion May Be Harmful
October 11, 2013
Bill Maher Slams the Sunday Assembly: ‘Atheists Already Have Something That Unites Them on the Sabbath’
October 11, 2013
Reverend Austin Miles Says Nobel Prize in Physics Was Given to Scientists Whose Primary Goal Was to Disprove God

Rev. Austin Miles is very unhappy that the Nobel Prize in Physics went to two of the scientists who theorized the existence of the Higgs Boson (a.k.a. the “God Particle”). His problem isn’t with the scientists, per se, or even the Nobel committee. It’s with the tool that allowed them to make their discovery: the Large Hadron Collider. Miles thinks it’s all a waste of space and (somehow) anti-Christian. Really. (Emphasis and sloppy grammar his.) And how did this “proof” [of the Higgs Boson] surface? First of all, the scientists involved managed to raise and spend $10 billion dollars to build a “Particle Collider.” which would be the world’s biggest atom smasher, built in a 17 mile tunnel under the Swiss-French border. That is 10 BILLION dollars, with a B. The goal was to find a subatomic particle that would be called, The Higgs Boson, but became better known as, The God Particle, from whence everything sprung. This, of course would mean that it was all spontaneous combustion, there was no higher intelligence involved….yep…God does not exist, and this settles it. Ten Billion Dollars spent in an effort to disprove the existence of God. Think how far that amount of money would go to improve education, communities, cities, libraries, museums, and the lives of so many. Read more

October 11, 2013
No, Atheists Don’t ‘Just Want to Sin’
October 10, 2013
A Look at the Key Players in <em>Town of Greece v. Galloway</em>, the Supreme Court Case About Government Prayer
October 10, 2013
Atheist Group Counters Times Square Creationist Ad with One of Its Own
October 10, 2013
Newspaper Editor Says He Won’t Publish Letters from Climate Change Deniers Because They’re Factually Inaccurate

The letters-to-the-editor page of any newspaper tends to be filled with kooks of all stripes, but the Los Angeles Times refuses to print letters with demonstrable lies, as one of its editors explained over the weekend: Regular readers of The Times’ Opinion pages will know that, among the few letters published over the last week that have blamed the Democrats for the government shutdown (a preponderance faulted House Republicans), none made the argument about Congress exempting itself from Obamacare. Why? Simply put, this objection to the president’s healthcare law is based on a falsehood, and letters that have an untrue basis (for example, ones that say there’s no sign humans have caused climate change) do not get printed. They won’t print things that aren’t true?! As you would expect, conservative bloggers weren’t taking the news so well: Read more

October 10, 2013
Bryan Fischer Supports Corporal Punishment to Fix Our Public School
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