October 15, 2013
Christian Apologist Josh McDowell Is Clearly Running Out of Ways to Keep His Brand of Faith Alive

There’s no doubt Christians are threatened by atheists. We challenge their views, our demographics are growing, we just make more sense… but I don’t think some Christians really understand what they’re fighting against. Famed apologist Josh McDowell made news a couple of years ago when he warned Christians that the Internet was coming after their children: “The Internet has given atheists, agnostics, skeptics, the people who like to destroy everything that you and I believe, the almost equal access to your kids as your youth pastor and you have… whether you like it or not,” said McDowell… It’s not like we’re kidnapping them and forcing them to stop believing against their will. We’re only popping the Faith Bubble and asking the questions they’re not used to hearing in church. The truth is, if Christianity did a better job of equipping children to deal with challenges to their faith, the Internet wouldn’t be a problem. But there’s really no defense against anti-gay bigotry and anti-science beliefs and anti-women stances. Over the weekend, McDowell spoke at the National Conference on Christian Apologetics and doubled-down on his wacky ideas. He’s still blaming the Internet for somehow harming children of Christian parents: Read more

October 15, 2013
We Don’t All Fit Inside, Oprah
October 14, 2013
Morning Radio Host Interviews Psychic and Puts Him to Shame
October 14, 2013
Citation Needed on this Church Sign
October 14, 2013
Status Update of the Day
October 14, 2013
It’s on the Internet, So It Must Be True
October 14, 2013
Atheists Turn Out for AIDS Walk Los Angeles

Sunday morning I had the great pleasure to walk for 10 kilometers with 14 of my fellow members of Atheists United to help raise money for AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA). In response to my previous post two weeks ago, several of you sponsored me for a total of $740 dollars. Thank you! My deep gratitude goes to Dayanna, Pam, Joe, Rick, David, and three anonymous people. Your kindness helped to raise the Atheists United team donation to $1,295. This year’s event has brought in $2,520,684 for APLA and more than 25 other critically important AIDS organizations. The mood was contagiously festive as 25,000 people walked the route through West Hollywood. Overcast skies kept the temperatures very comfortable but did not dampen anyone’s spirits. In our bright red t-shirts, we met many people who were curious about our organization or atheism in general, and who talked with us as we walked. There was no negative interaction with anyone. Even Jesus chatted pleasantly and cordially with us while we waited in the crowd for the walk to begin. Read more

October 14, 2013
Oprah Winfrey’s Awkward Conversation with Marathon Swimmer Diana Nyad, an ‘Atheist Who’s in Awe’

Diana Nyad is the 64-year-old marathon swimmer who made headlines around the world last month after swimming from Cuba to Florida, a 110-mile trip, without a protective cage. It took her about 53 hours. (Her record earned her no shortage of attention from skeptics, too.) Yesterday, she appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul Sunday” (a show you never heard about until this moment and will never watch again after finishing this post) to talk about her religious beliefs: Here’s what awesome: It turns out Nyad is an atheist. She’s a Humanist, really, who sees something amazing and beautiful in the way we all interact and love one-another. She is amazed by the natural world. She believes it’s all over when she’s dead. She’s also very non-confrontational about her beliefs — if you believe in God, okay, no problem, but she doesn’t. She also has this wishy-washy idea of what a soul is — she calls it a “spirit” — and she believes it lives on after we’re gone. You could argue she’s really talking about a legacy or memory that we leave behind, something that’s not-at-all supernatural. Here’s what’s not awesome: Oprah takes Nyad’s statement of “I’m an atheist who’s in awe” and suggests that Nyad isn’t really an atheist. Oprah the Theologian proceeds to have one of the most awkward faith-based conversations you’ll ever hear with someone who doesn’t seem to understand how the host is trying to steer her away from outright proclaiming her godlessness: Read more

October 14, 2013
The Cause of the Republican Shutdown: Melanocytes
October 14, 2013
What Has Religion Done for Us This Month? Episode 10
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