October 17, 2013
This is What Oprah Doesn’t Understand About Atheists
October 17, 2013
Pastor John Hagee: ‘America is Becoming a Pagan Society’ Because of Our Embrace of Secular Humanism
October 17, 2013
What Has Religion Done for Us This Month? Episode 11
October 17, 2013
Cannon County School Board Unanimously Replaces ‘Winter Break’ with ‘Christmas Break’

Last week, when the Cannon County Board of Education (Woodbury, Tennessee) held its monthly board meeting, nothing very eventful happened until the board members discussed next year’s school calendar. This is normally a quick, breezy process. Just approve it and move on. But one of the board members was offended by what he saw on the proposed schedule: “What is the possibility of calling Winter Break Christmas Break instead?” [Chris] Blackburn asked. … “I am frankly tired of being pushed around by people that want to take Christ and God and Christmas and everything out of the school system,” Blackburn said. “They want to take prayer out of school and they want to take it out before ballgames. I am in favor of this calendar as long as we call it Christmas break.” What the hell…? Read more

October 17, 2013
Pope Francis Writes Letter to Gay Catholic Group

The saga of Pope Francis attempting to win over the gays continues, and once again, it’s quiet, underwhelming, and almost certainly a PR stunt. The Italian Catholic LGBT group Kairos of Florence wrote a letter to the Pope in June, undoubtedly addressing many of the well-known issues that put the Catholic Church at odds with the LGBT community. They reportedly asked for “openness and dialogue” in talking about this rift and stated that a lack of openness “always feeds homophobia.” Hear, hear. Now, months later, the Pope has written them back, according to enthusiastic reports out of the Catholic news world. Unfortunately, though, it’s hard to tell if this is anything significant (spoiler: it probably isn’t) because Kairos has chosen to keep the contents of both letters private. Here’s what they did reveal: Read more

October 17, 2013
How Should We Respond to the Argument That ‘Just Because Christians Do Wrong Doesn’t Mean Christianity Is Wrong’?
October 16, 2013
Join My Virtual Light the Night Team for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!
October 16, 2013
Seth Andrews Interviews Richard Dawkins
October 16, 2013
Private Christian Schools That Receive Taxpayer Dollars Are (Legally) Expelling Gay Students

Usually, when church/state advocates argue against school vouchers, they’re fighting against tax dollars being used to pay for religious schools that may preach Creationism or revisionist history. Alex Morris shows us in the latest issue of Rolling Stone that there’s another concern: LGBT students can be legally expelled from schools that are receiving this government cash: As religious institutions, these schools have the legal right to uphold and enforce any faith-based belief system they please. And parents who enroll their children — if not always the children being enrolled — understand the repercussions of such policies. However, by exploiting recent legislation, Christian schools in Georgia that openly discriminate against gay students have been receiving millions of dollars in diverted public funds as a result of a 2008 law meant to provide funding to help [low­-income] children transfer to private schools. Tristan, Jason and Emily, along with about 500 other students, attend a school that participates in this program. It’s not just Georgia — 11 other states now have laws that offer tax credits to those who give scholarships for private schools. Read more

October 16, 2013
East African Witch Doctors Are Amputating Albino Kids’ Limbs and Turning Them into Magic Potions
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