October 30, 2013
My Horoscope Is Uncannily Accurate
October 30, 2013
A Happy Song to Remind Women That They Shouldn’t Drive
October 30, 2013
Dixon, Illinois Now Home to a Church Shaped Like a Flaccid Penis
October 30, 2013
We Don’t Actually Want the Catholic Church to Change Its Teachings…
October 30, 2013
American Legion Withholds Donations from Park District Because Board Member Won’t Stand for Pledge of Allegiance

Remember how American Legion Post 311 refused to attend a Veterans Day ceremony at a local public high school in Pennsylvania after the district’s superintendent told them he would not allow their chaplain say a prayer at the event? Now, another American Legion group is punishing a public institution for not catering to their juvenile demands. Morton Grove (Illinois) Park District Commissioner Dan Ashta is someone who doesn’t stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at board meetings for good reason: “I’m not entirely sure it’s accurate to say this is a personal choice, but more of a duty. I have an obligation as an elected official to uphold the constitution,” Ashta said. “I have a sincere, serious relationship with the law. I study law and constitutional law is of particular interest to me. I think the Constitution is what makes this country great and worth making sacrifices for. Countries with weak constitutions usually don’t last… I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. I have no objections to people who do stand for the pledge.” Sounds like a perfectly respectable position for a city official to take. But American Legion Post 134 refuses to give any more money to the park district unless Ashta stands up and pledges allegiance to a nation “under God”: Read more

October 30, 2013
Hoodwinked: The Story of the Girl Who Hanged Herself to Be With Her Dad in Heaven Was Probably Made Up

Last Sunday morning, at a time when Christians across America were shuffling into their church pews, I also thought about God. More specifically, my thoughts centered on the senselessness and pain surrounding the death of Maria Kislo, a 12-year-old Polish girl who, the U.K. Mirror reported, recently hanged herself to get into heaven. According to the British newspaper, Maria (or Marysia, as her name is rendered in the Polish press) missed her father, who had died in 2009. Allegedly, she left the following suicide note: Dear Mom. Please don’t be sad. I just miss Daddy so much, I want to see him again. As I should have done, some readers doubted the story I relayed, pointing out that it was unsourced and published in a tabloid, a genre known for sensationalism, spin, and shortcuts. I used to think that even tabloids didn’t descend into outright fabrications. In retrospect, that’s pretty naïve. It appears that over in England, making stuff up out of whole cloth is not unheard of among the writers and editors practicing tabloid journalism. How else to explain that, most crucially, neither the existence of the suicide note nor Marysia’s belief in heaven can be corroborated? I want to be clear about this lest I err in the other direction: It’s possible that the story as reported in the Mirror (and the Daily Mail) is correct. But absent any actual evidence, I now consider that possibility remote. Read more

October 30, 2013
The Book That Justifies Everything
October 30, 2013
What is Deism?
October 29, 2013
An Update on the Pastor Who Was Beaten Up by a ‘Militant Atheist’
October 29, 2013
Egyptian Arrested for the Crime of Forming a Facebook Group for Atheists
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