November 2, 2013
Two Young Women Are (Still) Suing Their Public School District for Making Students Attend a Christian Assembly
November 2, 2013
Can Atheists Believe in Ghosts?
November 2, 2013
You Might Want To Get a Second Opinion on That Painting…
November 1, 2013
The Starke Reality: Atheist is No Longer a Dirty Word

This is an article by Edwin Kagin. It appears in the 4th Quarter 2013 issue of American Atheist magazine. American Atheist magazine is available at Barnes & Noble and Book World bookstores in the U.S. and at Chapters Indigo bookstores in Canada. Go to to see a map of store locations, to subscribe, or to join American Atheists. Members receive free digital subscription. [Endnotes have been omitted from this article.] … On June 29, 2013, American Atheists accomplished a victory unprecedented in American jurisprudence. With the consent and cooperation of the Commissioners of Bradford County, Florida, we dedicated a monument to Atheism on the county courthouse lawn in the City of Starke. This historic event was made possible by the earlier placement of a six-and-a-half-ton monument emblazoned with the Protestant version of the Ten Commandments in that same courtyard. In May 2012, when the monument was first erected, a peaceful demonstration was organized by Ken Loukinen, American Atheists’ Director of Regional Operations. One of the participants was Dan Cooney, a resident of Starke and an Atheist. Cooney is hardly the demonstrating type. He is reserved, unassuming, and uninterested in the limelight. But, as he told the crowd at our unveiling a little over a year later, this religious monument on this government property was something he could not ignore. Read more

November 1, 2013
Kate Smurthwaite Responds to a Nun Who Claims Atheists Have ‘Faith’
November 1, 2013
A Novel About a Young Celebrity Who Becomes an Outspoken Atheist
November 1, 2013
New Study Shows That Catholic Primary Schools Are No Better (and Arguably Worse) Than Public Primary Schools
November 1, 2013
Catholic League’s Bill Donohue: ‘Intelligent People Normally’ Believe in God
November 1, 2013
Oklahoma Atheist Group Begins Gift-Giving Drive to Help Those Impacted by Natural Disasters

FreeOK, an atheist group based in Oklahoma, is planning a major charity drive this winter that aims to give presents to kids in foster care and families affected by natural disasters: HHA Gifting is the part of FreeOK’s 2013 Giving Drive aimed at providing holiday gift relief to families housing foster children and those in need of assistance for other reasons. Our kids up for gifting adoption provide us with wishlists which we then make available to volunteering sponsors. In addition to the 70 children we will be sponsoring in placement with Jordan’s Crossing, we are also currently accepting nominations for families impacted by the government shutdown, this year’s natural disasters and really any cause that has resulted in sacrifices needing to be made in celebrations for the holidays. Read more

November 1, 2013
An Ex-Muslim Explains Why Her Community Needs Help
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