November 13, 2013
Red Bank Humanists Put Up ‘Good Without God’ Billboard
November 12, 2013
Skepticon 6 is Almost Here!
November 12, 2013
Book Giveaway: Curiosity – Once Maligned, Now Celebrated – Gets Its Own Biography. It’s Free to Three of Our Readers
November 12, 2013
A Group for Young Atheists in New York Helps Them Come Out
November 12, 2013
Be Careful What You Wish For: UK to Crack Down on Street Preachers and Other People Deemed ‘Annoying’

Fifteen years ago, tired of yobs and hooligans and a perceived decline in civility, British prime minister Tony Blair and his New Labour cabinet cooked up a nasty little legal concoction. It’s called an ASBO. The acronym stands for Anti Social Behavior Order. These civil orders were designed to be issued to people whose unpleasant behavior was not otherwise (easily) prosecutable under U.K. law. And as long as we’re talking about things like vandalism and public urination, no argument here. But soon, British police and magistrates were handing out ASBOs for virtually every behavior that someone, somewhere, disliked, including public cursing, loitering, using (allegedly) racist language, and “being rude to members of the public.” The standard for issuing an ASBO was astonishingly low from the start: anyone thought to be causing “harassment, alarm or distress” could find himself on the wrong end of one. Read more

November 12, 2013
Can You Hate Religion but Love Jesus?
November 12, 2013
New Idaho Billboard Promotes Humanist Wedding Celebrants (and Those Who Want to Become One)
November 12, 2013
Does Everyone Love Pope Francis? Not Quite: Conservative Catholics Feel ‘Thrown Under the Bus’

The other week, staunch Catholic Bridget Kurt took the Pope Francis prayer card down from her fridge and threw it in the trash. “It seems he’s focusing on bringing back the left that’s fallen away, but what about the conservatives?” said Ms. Kurt, a hospice community educator. “Even when it was discouraging working in pro-life, you always felt like Mother Teresa was on your side and the popes were encouraging you. Now I feel kind of thrown under the bus.” That’s from a piece in Sunday’s New York Times that describes conservative Catholics as feeling “abandoned and deeply unsettled.” They despair that after 35 years in which the previous popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, drew clear boundaries between right and wrong, Francis is muddying Catholic doctrine to appeal to the broadest possible audience. Wrote Catholic blogger Steve Skojec of recent papal pronouncements (including one that criticized proselytizing as “solemn nonsense”): Read more

November 12, 2013
Mark Driscoll Will Be Answering Questions On Twitter This Morning (UPDATED)
November 12, 2013
More Ways to Help the People of the Philippines
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