November 16, 2013
Pope Francis Warns Believers Not To Be Curious, So They May Avoid ‘Confusion’

A few days ago, I published a little riff on the topic of curiosity, based on a wonderful book I just read. Curiosity, book author Philip Ball shows, was long frowned upon by religious authorities as a sign of insufficient humility. All you were supposed to do was gape in mawkish wonder at the miracle of nature, and prostrate yourself before the Lord, expressing awe and suppressing all natural inquisitiveness. Glad we left that atavistic attitude behind us. Or did we? Pope Francis said this on Thursday: “The spirit of curiosity distances us from the spirit of wisdom because all that interests us is the details, the news, the little stories of the day.” Such a spirit, he warned, brings about dispersion and distances people from God. The Vatican leader further noted that Jesus himself warned against a worldly spirit of curiosity, as it causes confusion and impels people to want to feel that God is “here or there.” Read more

November 16, 2013
A Christian Conference Last Week Had Over 100 Presenters, So Why Were Only 4 of Them Women?
November 16, 2013
The Trailer for ‘Heaven Is For Real’ Will Make Your Eyes Roll
November 16, 2013
The Palin-Pope Twitter War
November 15, 2013
Alberta School Now Prayer-Free… but for How Long?
November 15, 2013
Another Gay Waitress Gets Stiffed For Jesus
November 15, 2013
How to Get Rid of Religious Proselytizers in One Easy Step
November 15, 2013
Pastor John Hagee: ‘Atheism Has Never Healed a Disease’
November 15, 2013
Ken Ham Gleefully Parades Child’s Notes from His Lecture As Evidence That Kids Understand Creationism

The Creation Museum’s Ken Ham is super-excited. Someone’s finally listening to him! Someone’s finally taking him seriously! Someone’s finally understanding Creationism as it’s meant to be understood! And that someone is seven years old. Recently I spoke at Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, Texas, where I met a remarkable young boy named Reuben. He and his father met me after my talk, and his father proudly showed me his seven-year-old son’s notes from the session. They were incredibly detailed! I thought it would be encouraging to show you Reuben’s notes. It’s apparent that he was listening carefully to what I had to say — which is evidence that our young people are paying attention to what we teach. It’s so important that we teach apologetics and doctrine founded firmly on the Word of God. These are Reuben’s notes, which look like Young Earth Creationism explained in Comic Sans… which is actually pretty damn perfect: Read more

November 15, 2013
This Dutch Professor of Medicine Lost His Job For Saying He Witnessed a Divine Miracle. Should He Have?

I was talking about science and religion with a Dutch friend yesterday when he casually referred to the Van Schayk affair and asked me what I thought of it. My mind drew a blank, so he filled me in. It’s a bizarre and fascinating story that I thought I’d share. In March of this year, a Dutchman named Onno van Schayk, a professor of medicine and the head of the CAPHRI School for Public Health in Maastricht, the Netherlands, caused a bit of an uproar when he gave an interview to an evangelical TV station. He mentioned his Christian beliefs a few times, and then segued into this remarkable statement: “There have been moments that I’ve seen God’s work directly, up close. It involved a person whose leg was too short, who was being prayed for. And I saw that leg grow. … I concede we have to be careful with that, and that the [stories] in the Bible — they should be tested, examined. We shouldn’t just assume things. We have to apply, very carefully, almost a scientific principle — establish that it’s incontrovertible. And in this case, it was indeed incontrovertible. You could see from looking at the X-rays that [bone] growth had indisputably occurred, something for which there was no normal explanation.” Read more

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