November 30, 2013
Church Offers a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee to Tithers if God Doesn’t Reward Them

Considering that one of the common criticisms people have of churches in general is that they’re all about taking your money, you’d think pastors would at least try to be subtle in how they ask for it. You know, pass around collection plates while talking about something else. Or maybe leave boxes in the back of the church where people can discreetly drop money in as they leave. Sagebrush Community Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico never got that memo. They’re not just asking for money; they’re asking people who haven’t tithed in the past six months to start doing it again while offering a 90-day money-back guarantee if God doesn’t reward them as a result. It’s called the 90-Day Tithe Challenge: Here’s how this works. You give the church 10% of your income. After 90 days, if God hasn’t rewarded you and shown His “faithfulness,” you are eligible to get a complete refund. I guess no one at the church ever read Matthew 4:7: Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Read more

November 30, 2013
Is This Canadian Politician Slamming Atheists in an Informal Holiday Greeting?
November 30, 2013
Why the Christian Right’s ‘Naughty or Nice’ Campaign Makes No Sense, Even for Them
November 29, 2013
Help Support a Free Student-Run Atheist Conference in Columbia, Missouri
November 29, 2013
What’s It Like to be an Atheist in Poland? This Movie Will Show You
November 29, 2013
I Didn’t Realize the Freedom From Religion Foundation Was That Kind of Group…
November 29, 2013
Board of Education May Vote to Put ‘In God We Trust’ on an Elementary School’s Welcome Sign

If you were to visit Pine River Elementary School in Leroy, Michigan, you would see this sign in front of the building: I have a couple of issues with that sign… do adults who work there also have a great day, or just the kids? And what exactly is the name of that book? It’s like they were trying to cram buzzwords on its spine. Idea! Think! Book! But those are minor issues. It’s a cute sign that I’m sure serves some purpose. It actually went up earlier this year when the other two elementary schools in the district shut down and the remaining school was renamed and given a bit of a makeover. This sign helped inaugurate the new building. But when LeRoy High School Class of 1943 graduate Carl Gustafson made the sign, the spine of the book had another phrase on it: “In God We Trust.” Read more

November 29, 2013
Christian B&B Owners Who Turned Away Gay Couple Claim to Want Only “Freedom and Tolerance”
November 29, 2013
After a Reporter’s Biased Story of a Christian Politician’s High School Visit, a Student Who Was There Speaks Out

The other day, I posted about Pennsylvania state Rep. Rick Saccone’s visit to a local high school to discuss, among other things, his plan to put the words “In God We Trust” in every public school in the state. Saccone visited Avonworth High School to speak to students in a “Problems in Democracy” honors-level class. Reporter Trina Orlando’s coverage of the event for Pittsburgh’s CBS affiliate made it sound like everything went just fine: “I think [the bill] teaches students the history of our national motto and I also think that it reeducates people that there isn’t always a strict separation of church and state,” [student] Brady Collins said. … “I thought that they were very-well versed in the subject. They had great questions. Actually, they had better questions than some of the committee questions I received. So, they did their homework and I thought it was very exciting,” Rep. Saccone said. Students at Avonworth took an informal vote on the issue prior to today’s debate. About 60 percent of students supported the bill. Even though that report featured students who supported Saccone’s bill, and the commentary implied a general level of support, too, the comments on the news station’s website told a very different story. Students who were at the assembly, it appeared, were chiming in that a majority of them firmly disagreed with Saccone — and took him to task for trying to push God into the classroom — and that perspective was missing from the news report. Yesterday, I was able to get in touch with Max, one of the seniors who attended the event. (I was able to verify that he is, indeed, a student at the school.) Read more

November 29, 2013
Why Am I Not More Outspoken About My Vegetarianism?
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