December 9, 2013
Edward Tarte Responds to a Critic Who Believes You Must Be a ‘New Testament Christian’ to be Good
December 9, 2013
Taiwanese Animators Tackle An Atheist’s Christmas
December 9, 2013
When ‘Voodoo Exorcisms’ Turn Into Violence and Rape
December 9, 2013
Should Secular Jews Drop the ‘Jew’ Label?
December 9, 2013
Creationist Math: There’s Only a 1/479,000,000 Chance Moses Got Genesis Right, So It Must be True!
December 9, 2013
The Secular Policy Recommendations That Will Make the Religious Right Squirm
December 9, 2013
Luxembourg’s New Prime Minister Wants to Replace Religious Instruction in School with Ethics Classes
December 9, 2013
Christian Fear: ‘Atheism Becoming the National Religion of U.S.’
December 9, 2013
Church/State Separation Lawsuits Should Be Allowed to Proceed with Anonymous Plaintiffs

When Jessica Ahlquist filed a lawsuit against her high school, the backlash on Twitter was bad. The threats were worse. The same thing happened to Damon Fowler even though he never actually went to court. When it comes to church/state separation lawsuits, we’ve seen some brave individuals step forward recently and identify themselves. But what if they didn’t have to come out? Couldn’t the cases just proceed based on their arguments without requiring their names to go in the public record? In some states, that’s not allowed. Filing a lawsuit requires initials for minors and names for adults, making them susceptible to threats and revenge from their enemies. In a new paper published in The Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, Professor Benjamin P. Edwards makes the case for why pseudonymous lawsuits should be allowed to proceed and he uses Ahlquist and Fowler to make his case: Read more

December 8, 2013
Judge Rules Against Bakery Owner Who Would Rather Close Shop Than Serve Gay Couples
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