October 15, 2021
Podcast Ep. 396: The Beatification of John Paul I Makes No Sense
October 15, 2021
Here’s Everything Wrong with the Christian Film Industry
October 15, 2021
Law Professor: Kids Shouldn’t Need “Parental Consent” to Avoid Saying the Pledge
October 15, 2021
Survey: Pastors Who Talk About COVID Vaccines Overwhelmingly Encourage Them
October 15, 2021
Why Does a Christian Ministry in Indiana Have Access to Public School Students?
October 14, 2021
Jim Bakker: The Enemies of Christianity Will Be “Shooting the Prophets” Soon
October 14, 2021
Pope John Paul I’s Beatification is Based on Nothing More Than Wishful Thinking
October 14, 2021
Hate-Preacher: Halloween’s Origins Involve Virgin Girls Being “Raped by Demons”
October 14, 2021
A MAGA-Loving, Gun-Obsessed Christian Sect Just Bought a 130-Acre Property in TN
October 14, 2021
David Barton: Southern Slaveowners Just “Didn’t Read” the Bible Much
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