January 31, 2014
The Awful Lessons Learned Through Cartoons in the Accelerated Christian Education Curriculum
January 31, 2014
Saint Teresa of Ávila Gives Spain’s Government a Hand — Again

Teresa of Ávila, a Catholic mystic and Carmelite nun, has been the unofficial patron saint of Spain for some 400 years. She rose to fame in the 16th century when she first began to inflict “various tortures and mortifications of the flesh” upon herself, and then graduated to the imagined penetration by a heavenly seraph, like so: I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it.  These days, I bet she would be a writer for kink.com — or maybe an adviser to the Spanish government. The Guardian explains: Read more

January 31, 2014
Actually, Those Are Five Pretty Good Reasons To Leave Your Church

Aaron Loy (below), writing for the Chrsitian site RELEVANT, offers “five really bad reasons to leave your church”. As it turns out, he’s right. They’re really bad reasons: 1. “I’m not being [spiritually] fed” “As a Christian, you shouldn’t require spoon-feeding for the rest of your life. Eventually you need to learn how to feed yourself so that, in time, you can actually feed others.” 2. “It’s getting too big” “If you have a problem with big churches… you definitely won’t like heaven.” 3. “I don’t agree with everything that is being preached” “The truth is when you choose to stay despite disagreeing on some things, you, your pastor and your church are better for it.” 4. “My Needs Aren’t Being Met” “The Church doesn’t exist to meet your needs. You are a part of the Church that exists to meet the needs of the world.” 5. Unresolved Conflict “When we leave at first sign of real conflict, it shortchanges God’s best work in our midst. It sidesteps the process of repentance, forgiveness and grace.” Here’s the problem: All of these things boil down to one idea: If you want to leave the church, there’s something wrong with you. The church and the pastor can do no wrong. It’s worth getting more specific, though, and for those of us who don’t go to church, feel free to replace that word with “college” because the arguments are almost identical. Read more

January 31, 2014
Should Religious and Atheist Hardliners Try Harder To Break Out of Their Co-Dependent Cycle of Indignation?
January 31, 2014
The Author of <em>Jesus and Mo</em> Is Doing an AMA (‘Ask Me Anything’) In Our Comments Section. Fire Away!

Small world: I found out only weeks ago that a British colleague with whom I’d exchanged friendly messages over the years is the anonymous artist behind Jesus and Mo, the acidly witty comic strip featuring two self-obsessed prophets. Every month, the Freethinker publishes a new installment, but the two roomies’ divine black-and-white adventures can also be found in six Jesus and Mo books — and on their own website, which is updated twice a week. Since its launch, a little over eight years ago, the atheism-influenced comic has attracted some prominent admirers. Richard Dawkins praises Jesus (I’m tempted to stop here for effect) and Mo, saying the gruesome twosome and their creator provide some of the … shrewdest, wittiest, most critically penetrating running commentary on the absurdities of contemporary religion. Fans also include novelist Salman Rushdie, columnist Nick Cohen, biology professor Jerry Coyne, and, truth be told, me. This month, over in England, Jesus and Mo became something a flashpoint in a national debate over free speech, censorship, and religious accommodation. You can read up on the tumult here. I asked Jesus and Mo’s creator if he would answer your questions and mine. “Gladly,” he said. Allow me to start us off. You first published Jesus and Mo in the late fall of 2005, just a month or two after the Islam cartoon controversy involving the Jyllands-Posten in Denmark began to rage. Any connection? “It was right after the start of the Danish toons controversy — the shit didn’t really hit the fan until January or February of the next year, after months of determined campaigning by Danish imams. I’d been harboring thoughts of a religious satire comic featuring Jesus and Mo for ages, and I think the early stages of that particular controversy acted as the catalyst that kicked me into action. It was [Islam’s] ludicrous depiction taboo that provided the strip’s first joke.” Read more

January 31, 2014
Who Knew You Could Have Too Much Religion at Texas High School Football Games?

The Lubbock Independent School District in Texas is home to Lowrey Field, where the four high schools in the area play their home football games. The 8,500-seat stadium also houses a digital billboard where companies like Whataburger, Fuddruckers, and United Supermarkets pay for ads to run during the big games. So, naturally, the man behind JesusTattoo.org wanted to place an ad there, too: (The website has nothing to do with tattoos, by the way. It’s just one guy’s failed idea of a “hip” way to convert teens to Christianity.) Believe it or not — and to their credit — the district said no. It was religious, they said, and they didn’t want to violate the Constitution. So, naturally, the man behind JesusTattoo.org has filed a lawsuit claiming his rights are being violated. Read more

January 31, 2014
After More Than a Year in Prison on Blasphemy Charges, Alexander Aan is Released from Prison
January 31, 2014
Proud Muslim Parents, Just After Giving Birth, Dress Baby in Battle Fatigues, Promise He’ll Be a Martyr For Islam
January 31, 2014
Surrogate Mothers Make Baby Jesus Cry
January 30, 2014
More Annoying Atheist Clichés
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