March 16, 2014
After School District Pushes Creationism, Jesus, & the Bible on Students, a Buddhist Family Finally Prevails in Court

A few months ago, the Sabine Parish School District in Louisiana was sued by the state’s ACLU because of its “long history of proselytizing students and promoting religion.” The laundry list of complaints at Negreet High School alone was enough to make your jaw drop: This all came to light thanks to the courage of plaintiffs Scott and Sharon Lane and their five brave children, including sixth grader C.C., a “Buddhist of Thai heritage” who doesn’t believe in God. [C.C.’s] science teacher, Rita Roark, repeatedly taught students that the Earth was created by God 6,000 years ago, that evolution is “impossible,” and that the Bible is “100 percent true.” Roark also regularly features religious questions on her tests such as “ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When C.C. did not write in Roark’s expected answer, “LORD,” she belittled him in front of the rest of the class. While studying other religions, Roark has told students that Buddhism is “stupid.” When Plaintiffs objected, Sabine Parish Superintendent, Sara Ebarb, told them that “this is the Bible belt.” She suggested that C.C. should “change” his faith or transfer to another district school 25 miles away where, in her words, “there are more Asians.” These weren’t just isolated incidents either: Read more

March 15, 2014
Fred Phelps, Founder of the ‘God Hates Fags’ Westboro Baptist Church, is on the ‘Edge of Death’

You know Fred Phelps. You loathe Fred Phelps. You despise everything he stands for, like his family members’ infamous protests at soldiers’ funerals with their awful “God Hates Fags” signs. They’ve been a symbol for many years of the religion-based animosity against the LGBT community — to the point that they’ve been labeled a “hate group” and even the most fundamentalist Christian groups denounce his church’s activities. Nate Phelps (below) is Fred’s son and a former member of Westboro Baptist Church. He left the church, and therefore the core of the family, several years ago and has since come out as an atheist, but he still keeps in touch with some of his extended family members, many of whom have also escaped from the church. Tonight, on Facebook, Nate posted this: Read more

March 15, 2014
Two Atheists Will Soon Debate the Historicity of Jesus
March 15, 2014
Bill Maher Mocks “Noah” Movie
March 15, 2014
How Did He Know That?! Oh, Right, That’s How…
March 15, 2014
Note to The Blaze: The Freedom From Religion Foundation is Not a ‘Separatist’ Group
March 15, 2014
Another Celebrity Wrongly Believes There’s a Link Between Vaccines and Autism
March 15, 2014
Whose Dreams Are They Fulfilling?
March 15, 2014
S. T. Joshi Featured in <em>New York Times</em> Article
March 14, 2014
How Evangelical Christians Are Reacting to Anti-Gay Laws in Uganda
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