May 4, 2021
Another FL Official Said a Christian Prayer to Undo Another Atheist’s Invocation
May 4, 2021
A FL City Official Said a Christian Prayer to Undo an Atheist’s Invocation
May 4, 2021
Falwell Won’t Host a “Real” Graduation Party for Liberty U. Students After All
May 3, 2021
These Catholics Say Trump Support Within the Church Drove Them Out for Good
May 3, 2021
Rick Wiles: Vaccines Are Part of a Genocide Plot to Kill “Stupid People”
May 3, 2021
Hate-Preacher: Trans People Are “Influenced Right Out of the Pits of Hell”
May 2, 2021
Louisiana Republican Leader Defends “Good” Side of Slavery by Pointing to Bible
May 2, 2021
Please Support the Work I Do Through This Site
May 2, 2021
Kenyan Doctor Who Discouraged Getting the COVID Vaccine Dies of COVID
May 1, 2021
Here’s How Evangelical Churches Strategically Keep You Coming Back for More
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