31-Year-Old Sister of Josh Duggar Charged with Child Endangerment December 11, 2021

31-Year-Old Sister of Josh Duggar Charged with Child Endangerment

A member of the Duggar family was charged with child endangerment.

No, not that one.

Apparently, according to TMZ, Jana Duggar (above) was charged with the crime back in September but word about it is only leaking out now, after her brother Josh Duggar was found guilty of downloading and possessing illicit sexual images of children.

The circumstances surrounding the charge are still unknown, but we’re told Jana — the oldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle — was cited on September 9, 2021 … she’ll be back in court next month.

There’s no reason to believe the charge is connected to Josh in any way, but it’s an odd charge given that Jana isn’t married and has no children of her own. It raises the question of which children she was allegedly endangering and how. The details of the charge were sealed, which is why we know very little.

If she’s eventually found guilty, she faces up to 90 days in jail and/or fines. So far, she’s pleaded not guilty.

Without knowing the specifics, it’s hard to pinpoint what sort of criticism she deserves. So I’ll just reiterate what was said this week about her brother: The Duggars’ entire public profile is built on the lie that they’re a model Christian family. They follow Jesus, so they’re decent people. That has always been a lie. They have given rise to one predator (Josh), another potential criminal (Jana), a failed politician who ran on a platform of bigotry (Jed), a bigot mother (Michelle), and (let’s hope) another failed politician who’s running on a platform of bigotry (Jim Bob).

Jim Bob is currently running for Arkansas State Senate on a platform of, no joke, family values.

Everything these people do is so much worse than all the things they’ve accused LGBTQ and non-Christian families of doing.

(Screenshot via YouTube)

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