MAGA Cultist Pastor: The COVID Relief Bill Is Trump’s “Blessing to America” March 8, 2021

MAGA Cultist Pastor: The COVID Relief Bill Is Trump’s “Blessing to America”

Right-wing pastor Shane Vaughn of Mississippi’s First Harvest Ministries, who recently claimed Donald Trump would absolutely be a two-term president because God never said it would be consecutive terms, is now giving Trump credit for the COVID relief bill that Democrats passed with literally no Republican support.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, that bill that was passed [Saturday], where you’re getting all this money, that was an offering from our late president, to every one of you, because that dollar amount — remember, you got $600 earlier… you know, a few weeks ago, a month ago. $600. Well, now you’re getting the rest of what he fought for. $1,400 more equals $2,000 a person. So even as Donald Trump has left office, his blessing to America has continued.

Trump didn’t fight for it. The Republican Party didn’t vote for it. Most Republicans still deny the reality of the pandemic.

The only reason people will be getting checks — and all the other benefits of the recent bill — is because Democrats stuck together and refused to budge on the dollar amount despite Republicans’ repeated attempts to sabotage the bill.

Much like Christians who give God credit for a surgery that doctors performed, some brainwashed people like Vaughn still want to give Trump credit for things he never cared about, fought for, or spent any time dealing with because they foolishly think Trump gives a shit about them. We wouldn’t even be in this mess if Trump had actually tried to contain the virus and listened to experts instead of pretending like there was nothing going on.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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