Televangelist: Criticism of Trump is Satan’s Plan to Block the Return of Jesus November 24, 2019

Televangelist: Criticism of Trump is Satan’s Plan to Block the Return of Jesus

Televangelist Frank Amedia, who has a long history of saying bizarre things and claimed last year that his prayers helped a baby grow 1.5 kidneys, said in a recent video that critics of Donald Trump were guided by Satan, not his ignorance or cruelty or criminal actions or impeachable conduct.

It’s all part of some master plan to block Jesus from returning to Earth.

“All of the things that we see that were happening prior to this man, Donald Trump, with his breaker anointing, coming forth and putting a mix into all of it,” he added. “Donald Trump has a big target on him and that target isn’t just politics, that target is spiritual because he literally single-handedly has arrested the momentum of that system and he’s threatened it. We can put names and faces on them here on earth, or we can understand that this is spiritual.”

“We are in a cataclysmic spiritual battle that is trying to prevent the return of Christ,” Amedia declared. “Donald Trump has come in and he’s put his foot on the pedal in one end to bust it up and he’s put his foot on the break on the other one to slow it down.”

The target isn’t spiritual, as anyone who’s listened to him speak or saw his own conduct could tell you. There’s solid evidence of corruption, courtesy of Trump himself and his colleagues’ attempts to cover it all up.

Then again, perhaps Amedia could argue that the target is spiritual, in that Trump has revealed the toxic underbelly that is the Religious Right. They’re allergic to facts and driven by hate. If the Resistance is a way to get away from that irrational cruelty, then we’re all better for it. And if Amedia wants to say that’s an anti-Christian move, it’s his own religion he’s dragging down.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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