March 17, 2013
Archbishop Claims Pedophilia is Not a Crime
March 17, 2013
GOP Senator Supports Marriage Equality After Son Comes Out; What Does That Say About Politics?
March 17, 2013
Non-Christian Prison Chaplains Laid Off in British Columbia
March 16, 2013
This Pro-Abstinence Video is Amazing
March 16, 2013
Ring Around the Reasoning
March 16, 2013
Non-theistic Nebraska State Senator Questions Orientation of ‘Ex-Gay’ Man

I posted recently about Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers. He served for 38 years starting in 1970, making him the longest-serving senator in the state’s history, until he was term-limited out in 2008. When he was eligible to run again last november, he ran and won handily. Chambers is one of the few non-theistic, high-ranking politicians in the country. He’s also African-American and a powerhouse legislator. Recently, the legislature held hearings on three bills that would affect LGBT residents: LB380, LB485, and LB385, which deal with things like prohibiting discrimination and allowing unmarried couples (including gay ones) to adopt children. As you might imagine, Christian groups want to be able to discriminate against gays and lesbians and they certainly don’t want them to be able to adopt children. Chambers was a voice of reason (and hilarity) no matters who delivered testimony against the bills… Read more

March 16, 2013
The Role of Humanist Chaplains
March 16, 2013
What Has Religion Done for Us This Month?
March 15, 2013
Bride in Front-Page Gay Wedding Story Dies of Brain Cancer
March 15, 2013
Pastor Jack Schaap: Jesus Blessed My Affair with an Underage Girl
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