April 11, 2013
The Gay Man Arrested for Refusing to Leave Sick Partner in Hospital is Father of WeAreAtheism.com Founder
April 11, 2013
Edward Tarte Goes to Heaven and Talks to God
April 11, 2013
I Suppose Alan Keyes Wants Us to Keep Digging…
April 11, 2013
A.C. Grayling: Make the Most of the 1,000 Months You Have to Live
April 11, 2013
Detroit Archbishop Says That Catholics Who Support Marriage Equality Shouldn’t Receive Communion
April 11, 2013
Alan Keyes Equates Church-State Separation with Eating Boogers
April 11, 2013
Explaining the Missing Footprints
April 11, 2013
Unitarian Pastor: If My Religious Liberty is Protected, Then Don’t Refuse My Right to Marry Same-Sex Couples
April 11, 2013
How Chris Stedman’s <em>Faitheist</em> is Helping Me Discover a More Effective and Compassionate Atheism

This is a guest post by Marcus Mann. Marcus is a graduate student in Religion at Duke University. He studies contemporary atheist and secular humanist social movements and has contributed to the blog NonProphet Status. You can follow him on Twitter at @mannmarcus. *** Near the end of his book Faitheist: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious, Chris Stedman urges us, the readers, “to step boldly and defiantly across dividing lines of religious and nonreligious identity and share our experiences in hope that we might build understanding through relationships of commitment and cooperation.” Rather than write a review for this important and affective book or take part in the controversy that it has engendered, I want to take this cue from Stedman and share a bit of my own story and of how both atheism and religious pluralism became values central to my worldview. In doing so, I hope to contribute in some small way to the broader exercise of building the kind of understanding Stedman writes about. [Click on headline for more…] Read more

April 11, 2013
Texas A&M Student Body President Nixes Religious Exemption to Student Fees
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