May 6, 2013
Ask Richard: Atheist Sons and Their Mothers Part 1 of 3: The Muslim Apostate
May 6, 2013
How Evangelical Christians’ Stance Against Homosexuality Has Hurt Their Own Cause

One of the complaints Christians (especially younger ones) often have with atheists is that we tend to lump them all together. It may be easy to separate evangelicals from more liberal Christians… but we don’t make much of an effort to separate “old guard” evangelicals from the ones who have a different take on many of the big social issues of the day. Tom Krattenmaker has written about this “new breed” of Christians in a book called The Evangelicals You Don’t Know: Introducing the Next Generation of Christians (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2013). It’s a fascinating look at how a new generation of evangelicals is pushing back against tradition and working to modernize the faith. (Full disclosure: I provided a blurb for the back of the book.) Krattenmaker is also the author of Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks into Pulpits and Players into Preachers about the intersection of religion and sports. In the passage below, he talks about how “old guard” evangelical Christians have hurt their own cause by pushing so hard against gay rights: [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 6, 2013
In Response to Atheist Literature Distribution, One Christian Student Poured Water on Pamphlets
May 6, 2013
Is It Okay for Christians to Support Marriage Equality Long After the Rest of Us?
May 6, 2013
Atheists Adopt-a-Highway… Just Outside the Creation Museum
May 6, 2013
A Brief Summary of History Channel’s ‘The Bible’… Part Three
May 5, 2013
Methodist Minister Risks Punishment After Performing Marriage Ceremony for Gay Son

The United Methodist Church is one of those denominations that (believes it) practices “love the sinner, hate the sin” when it comes to homosexuality. They won’t let “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” into the clergy, they won’t perform gay weddings, and their official guidebook (PDF) says this: The United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider this practice incompatible with Christian teaching. Oh, but they’ll totally take money from gay parishioners. That’s perfectly fine. The New York Times’ Sharon Otterman has a story in Monday’s paper about Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Ogletree, a retired Methodist minister who performed the marriage of his gay son. Not surprisingly, the church wants him punished: [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 5, 2013
If You Say You Don’t Need Proof Because God Only Speaks Truth…
May 5, 2013
Atheists in Southern Georgia Get Positive Press
May 5, 2013
Anti-Gay Christian Leader: Jason Collins’ Twin Brother is Straight, so Homosexuality Must be a Choice

If your identical twin is gay, what’s the likelihood you’re also gay? If the answer is 100%, then you could argue that genetics is the primary factor in determining one’s sexuality. It’s not, of course. The studies that have been done on identical twins are far from conclusive and the few that have been done have found that if one twin is gay, the probability that the other twin is gay ranges from a high end of just over 50% to a low end of around 20% or even lower (to be fair, all of those studies have shortcomings worth discussing). The point is that, while genes appear to play a role in one’s homosexuality, the exact nature of how and how much is still something scientists are trying to figure out. But that fact didn’t stop Micah Clark, Executive Director of the Indiana Family Institute, from making up his own conclusion in the wake of NBA player Jason Collins coming out: [Click headline for more…] Read more

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