May 9, 2013
Ottawa Taxpayers Fund Catholic School Trip to Anti-Abortion Rally
May 9, 2013
Ugandan Priest Exposes Abuse Only to Get Suspended Without Pay
May 9, 2013
A Florida Teenager’s Account of Atheist Literature Distribution in Public Schools

This is a guest post by Daniel Koster. Daniel is the President of the Wekiva Atheist and Secular Alliance at Wekiva High School in Florida. This post is in response to a recent distribution of atheist literature at several Orange County high schools. *** About three months ago, a Christian group distributed Bibles at eleven Orange County schools. They were given permission to do this under the condition that they leave the tables unattended and that their volunteers have no interaction with students. While they were at my school, Wekiva High, I documented them breaking both of these rules (see image below). The Freedom From Religion Foundation has been dealing with the School Board attorneys on this issue. But that’s in the past. Let’s get to the local secular movement’s inspiring response. [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 9, 2013
Is Science Just for White People?
May 9, 2013
Barna Group Discusses the ‘Spiritually Homeless’ and Millennials Who No Longer Want to Be Christian
May 9, 2013
After Being Asked to Remove Prayer from Graduation, Riverside School District Cancels Ceremony Altogether

The Riverside School District in Arkansas has held Christian prayers at its elementary school graduation ceremonies for years and no one ever complained about it… until now. First, let me give you a summary of every conversation that takes place when we revisit this issue: Christians: But… Tradition! Everyone else: It doesn’t matter. That still doesn’t make it right. Christians: But… we’re in the majority! Everyone else: A graduation is supposed to be for all students, not just Christian students. Christians: But… we have rights, too! Everyone else: No one’s taking your rights aw–oh, forget it. You’re hopeless. Now, back to Riverside. Instead of simply removing the prayer from the ceremony and getting on with it, district officials decided to cancel the entire event altogether. Because we all know you can’t graduate from sixth grade without Jesus handing you a diploma: [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 9, 2013
Proselytizing Recreation Camp Reaches Compromise with Washington County School Board
May 9, 2013
Canadian Census Reports 24% of Citizens Have No Religious Affiliation
May 9, 2013
Jeopardy Contestants, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
May 8, 2013
Man Who Wrote Unconstitutional School Prayer: ‘ I Couldn’t Care Less About the… Minority. The Majority Rules’
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