June 20, 2013
Atheists Featured on North Carolina’s Light the Night Walk Handbook
June 20, 2013
The Pope’s First Day at Work
June 20, 2013
After Initially Being Denied U.S. Citizenship Because of Her Atheism, Margaret Doughty’s Application Has Been Approved
June 20, 2013
Bryan Fischer Said the Atheist Hotline Fundraiser was ‘Doomed to Fail’… Guess We Proved Him Wrong Again
June 20, 2013
Did a Tennessee College Professor Really Force Her Students to Wear a Rainbow Ribbon?

Here’s the story as the conservative media tells it: Linda Brunton, a liberal professor at Columbia State Community College in Tennessee, forced students to wear rainbow ribbons and tell people who asked them about it that they were supporters of gay rights. Students then had to observe public reaction and write a paper about how they were allegedly “discriminated against” while wearing the ribbons. When several students objected to being forced to support conduct that violates their faith convictions, Brunton brushed aside their concerns, described their views as “ignorant and uneducated,” and explained that she hoped this assignment would cause them to change their beliefs. Regardless of their convictions, students had to express the views she mandated in order to receive class credit. The Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom even sent the school a letter (PDF) demanding an apology and a promise that this assignment will never be given again. Of course, I’m having a hard time believing that a professor would “force” students to do this against their will. But let’s take this one issue at a time. [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 20, 2013
What You Need to Know About the ‘Newer Atheists’
June 20, 2013
Ellery Schempp Looks Back, Fifty Years After His Supreme Court Victory
June 20, 2013
Archbishop Says Tax Avoidance is Sinful. If Only Someone Would Remind the Churches…

When British Archbishop John Sentamu (pictured below) isn’t busy slamming gay rights or denouncing atheists, he likes to lecture people about fairness. Easy to do… I mean, who doesn’t like fairness, right? Sentamu, the second-highest authority in the Church of England, confidently trained his sights on tax avoiders the other day: Tax avoidance is “sinful” and tantamount to robbery, one of the UK’s most senior clerics has said as G8 leaders prepare to discuss the issue. Dr. John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, told the BBC that individuals and companies needed to be held accountable for their actions when it came to tax. Tax avoidance was hindering efforts to tackle hunger and malnutrition in developing countries, he suggested. You know what they say about how, when you point a finger, three of your digits are pointing back at you?… [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 19, 2013
Atheist Hotline Reaches $30,000 Fundraising Goal and Is Now Ready to Accept Volunteers
June 19, 2013
Ex-Gay Ministry Exodus International Will Shut Down
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