June 26, 2013
New Poll Shows That 38% of British Youth Don’t Believe in a God
June 26, 2013
What Secular Groups Are Saying About the Supreme Court Rulings
June 26, 2013
Supreme Court Denies Standing in Prop 8 Case, Same-Sex Marriages May Resume in California
June 26, 2013
Bryan Fischer’s Logic in Response to the Striking Down of DOMA
June 26, 2013
Supreme Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional
June 26, 2013
A New Low for Creationists
June 26, 2013
Do You Have a Moral Obligation to Come Out as an Atheist?
June 25, 2013
Democrat Ed Markey, Massachusetts’ Next Senator, Earned an ‘A’ Grade from the Secular Coalition for America
June 25, 2013
That Awkward Moment When You Accidentally Scuff the Car Door of the Christian Next To You…
June 25, 2013
CNN Covers Godless Congregation in Massachusetts

They’re popping up everywhere. Dan Merica at CNN covers Greg Epstein’s congregation, part of the Humanist Community at Harvard University (HCH): A longtime advocate for community building, Epstein and his group of atheists have begun to build their Cambridge community and solemnize its Sunday meetings to resemble a traditional religious service. To Epstein, religion is not all bad, and there is no reason to reject its helpful aspects. “My point to my fellow atheists is, why do we need to paint things with such a broad brush? We can learn from the positive while learning how to get rid of the negative,” he said. For Epstein, who started community-building at Harvard nearly 10 years ago, the idea of a godless congregation is not an oxymoron. “We decided recently that we want to use the word congregation more and more often because that is a word that strongly evokes a certain kind of community — a really close knit, strong community that can make strong change happen in the world,” he said. “It doesn’t require and it doesn’t even imply a specific set of beliefs about anything.” [Click headline for more…] Read more

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