July 14, 2013
Canadian Parliament Seeks to Declare April 2nd ‘Pope John Paul II Day’

Nine times out of ten, the religious shenanigans that take place in the United States make Canadian non-theists look across the border, skeptical eyebrows cocked, and say, “For real, you guys?” But every now and again, there will be a religious brouhaha here in Canada that keeps us Canucks aware of the need for vigilance against the encroachment of religion into governance. Here’s an example: Our House of Commons recently passed a bill declaring April 2 “Pope John Paul II Day.” (The date was chosen based on the anniversary of the pontiff’s death in 2005, and not for its proximity to April Fools’ Day.) It’s no joke; Canada’s parliament is serious about honoring this longtime leader of the Catholic Church. The bill received support from all parties, with only 42 Members of Parliament voting against it, compared to 217 for it. (All 42 opponents were members of the New Democratic Party; you may wish to remember that come election time.) The bill was proposed by Wladislaw Lizon, MP for Mississauga East-Cooksville, who argued that the bill was not religious in nature, but aimed at recognizing all the good acts of the late pontiff: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 14, 2013
What’s the Deal with Agnosticism?
July 14, 2013
George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty; Believed It Was ‘God’s Plan’ For Him To Kill Trayvon Martin
July 13, 2013
They Look Pretty Equal to Me
July 13, 2013
Foundation Beyond Belief Seeks Fall Interns
July 13, 2013
Imagine No Religion…
July 13, 2013
BuzzFeed: The 21 Things Atheist Girls Love
July 13, 2013
Liveblogging TAM2013: Saturday Morning Sessions
July 13, 2013
While They Raised Money for Atheist Tornado Victim, He Was Capitalizing on the Generosity for Personal Gain

On May 23rd, the organizers of the FreeOK Oklahoma Freethought Convention decided to hold a fundraiser for Rebecca Vitsmun. Vitsmun, as you might recall, was the woman who famously told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that she was an atheist when he asked her if she was thanking the Lord following the tornado: The fundraiser put Vitsmun’s phrase, “I’m actually an atheist,” on t-shirts: These shirts will be sold online and at the FreeOK Convention in June for a $25 donation to a relief fund designated to help our heroine and her son get through this very difficult time. All tees are black, 100% cotton with “I’m actually an atheist” screen printed in white with the scarlet letter A that has come to be associated with atheism. Ladies cuts are available. When ordering, you may choose to have your tee shipped or have it waiting for you at the convention on June 22nd. As always, your support is appreciated. Awesome, right? You got a shirt and Vitsmun’s family received some money to help them out through their difficult time. In fact, FreeOK sold over 1,000 shirts — they’re still fulfilling orders as we speak, but we’ll know very soon how much money will be given to the Vitsmuns. Here’s where things get weird. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 13, 2013
Another Celebrity Scientologist Leaves the Church
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