July 31, 2013
Why Are Millennials Leaving Church? Atheists Play An Important Role
July 31, 2013
Navy Employee Told He Can’t Get Married in a Government Chapel Because He’s Not a Christian

Ensign Sean A. Cruz is an active-duty officer who graduated last year from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. He likes the place so much that he asked for permission to get married there. To be precise, he would like to tie the knot in the Naval Academy’s Main Chapel: The Chapel’s wedding coordinator, Claire MacCallum, asked Cruz to submit an application, and eight weeks after he did, she turned him down. The reason? Cruz, his name notwithstanding, is not a Christian. He had told MacCallum that he had chosen Jason Torpy to do the ceremony; Torpy is the president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers and a registered Humanist celebrant in Maryland (as well as an occasional contributor to this site). Cruz is also a MAAF member and a Humanist, so the request makes a lot of sense. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 31, 2013
<em>Salon</em> Asks: Why Aren’t Women Atheists More Visible?
July 31, 2013
Pastor John Hagee Warns Congregation About Harry Potter, Ouija Boards, and Rock Music
July 30, 2013
Which Group Supports Gay Marriage More Than the Non-Religious?
July 30, 2013
A Reminder of What ‘Religious Persecution’ Really Looks Like
July 30, 2013
<em>Charisma</em> Editor: Stop Tempting Me With Cleavage! OH THE HUMANITY!
July 30, 2013
A Principal Allowed Her to Deliver Bible Readings on School Property Every Morning This Past Spring

I teach at a public high school and the visitor policy works like this: If you’re not a student or staff member, you must sign in at the front desk, show identification, and declare the intent of your visit. Even if a parent is just dropping off lunch for his child, those are the rules. They apply immediately before, during, and immediately after school. I hope it’s obvious that this is all for the safety of the people in the building. Concord High School in New Hampshire has a similar policy, but one parent was coming on school grounds every morning this past spring (from February onward), was in contact with students as they entered the building, and no one did anything about it. In fact, the principal allowed her to do it. Why did that happen? Because the mother, Lizarda Urena, wanted to pray for everybody: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 30, 2013
Pastor Rick Warren: ‘We’re All Mentally Ill’

“We’re all mentally ill,” declared megachurch pastor Rick Warren this past weekend, when he returned to the pulpit 16 weeks after his 27-year-old son Matthew, who had mental-health problems, fatally shot himself. In his sermon, aimed at lessening the stigma of mental illness, Warren said, In any other organ of your body there’s no shame or stigma if it breaks down… But if your brain doesn’t work, why are you ashamed of that? Why should there by any stigma attached to that? It’s just as much a part of your body as your heart and your liver. Quite. I fell prey to clinical depression myself in 2006, an ordeal I won’t soon forget. Despite the patience and support of my wife and the sweet presence of our four-year-old daughter, I existed in bleakness and misery — laboring under a heavy, oppressive miasma that wouldn’t lift until, nine months in, physicians got my brain chemistry under control with medication that worked, in doses that provided permanent (?) relief from thoughts of suicide. As a former depression sufferer, I applaud Warren’s words as true and well-spoken. But he probably didn’t do the cause any favors when he explained what he meant by “We’re all mentally ill.” This is how he followed that remark: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 30, 2013
Pope Francis Didn’t Say Anything Radical About Homosexuality, So Stop Pretending He Did
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