August 2, 2013
Ball State University Clarifies That Intelligent Design is Not Real Science

Ball State University in Indiana has produced the likes of David Letterman, Jim Davis, Joyce DeWitt, and yours truly (to save you the time it takes to scroll down and check on the author, this is Jessica. I assume Hemant probably went to U of I or something) [Hemant’s note: I went to U of I in Chicago!]. I had a great experience at BSU — I had amazing professors, met some of my closest friends, studied abroad, read Moby Dick (That’s right. Cover to cover), and, more relevantly, tried on my Outspoken Atheist Hat for the first time. I’ll be honest, that hat took a little breaking in. And I bring up my alma mater with pride today, because University President Jo Ann Gora recently released a letter saying the following: Intelligent design is overwhelmingly deemed by the scientific community as a religious belief and not a scientific theory. Therefore, intelligent design is not appropriate content for science courses. Boom. But let’s see what led up to all of this in the first place. [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 2, 2013
U.S. Postal Service Under Fire from Christians and Atheists
August 2, 2013
Can You Truly Be Moral *With* God?
August 1, 2013
A Great List of British Atheists (Who Aren’t White Guys)
August 1, 2013
I Can’t Believe I Have to Say This, but Zeus (Almost Certainly) Didn’t Exist
August 1, 2013
Invited to Deliver Invocation for Alabama Commission, Christian Rails Against Abortion, Gay Marriage, and More
August 1, 2013
Creationist Seriously Argues That Atheists Should Focus on ‘Advancing Testable, Repeatable Science’
August 1, 2013
Christian Pastor: Forget ‘Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged’… You Should Judge People!
August 1, 2013
Over the Past Decade, There Has Been a Sharp Decline in Money Spent on Building Churches
August 1, 2013
Jehovah’s Witness Conference Speaker Tells Audience to Shun Family Members Who Lose Their Faith
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