August 17, 2013
Pentecostal Preachers Tell HIV Patients to ‘Rely on God’ Instead of ‘Take Your Medicine’
August 17, 2013
<em>Newsweek</em> Features James Randi and The Amazing Meeting in Latest Issue
August 17, 2013
Hawaiian Atheists’ Lawsuit Alleges That Churches Have Deprived Public Schools of $5,600,000
August 17, 2013
What Has Religion Done for Us This Month? Episode 9
August 16, 2013
Help Build a Humanist School In Uganda!

This is a guest post by Sean McGuire. Sean lives in Montreal with his wife and young son. He blogs under the pseudonym Godless Poutine at My Secret Atheist Blog, which is becoming less and less a secret every day. … Some readers of this blog may recall Cathleen O’Grady’s excellent guest post The Less Than 1%: How Uganda’s Atheists Are Fighting Back. It’s about how atheists and secular-minded people, a tiny minority in the African country, are striving to make things better for their community: In many countries around the world, religious groups are pushing for conservative social policies and retaining their grip on society by dominating the public discourse and provision of social services. In Uganda, an extraordinarily religious country, the small but vocal atheist movement is pushing back — hard. Uganda is at a crucial crossroads now as a society. American Christian fundamentalist churches and other organizations have sent waves of evangelists to this country. To some degree, they have brought about rampant and violent persecution of gays and lesbians. It is now unsafe to be publicly gay in this country — people have been killed. This is, of course, the home of the Kill the Gays legislation. [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 16, 2013
Help Us Out and Tell Us What You Do!
August 16, 2013
The Chaos That Ensues When Religion and Sex Collide
August 16, 2013
Everything You Need to Know About <em>Town of Greece v. Galloway</em>, the Supreme Court Case About Government Prayer
August 16, 2013
After Getting Rejected from a Soup Kitchen, the Upstate Atheists Have Found Another Way to Help the Homeless

The Upstate Atheists from Spartanburg, South Carolina have worked with Adopt-A-Highway, Habitat for Humanity, and the Generous Garden Project, and they made plans this past spring to volunteer at the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen: As one of the members told me, though, that didn’t work out too well: We asked the director… whether or not it would be permissible for us to wear t-shirts with our organization’s logo on them. She told us that we were not welcome to volunteer at the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen because they are a “place of God,” and she knew “our motivations.” Even after the group promised not to wear shirts with their logos — that they just wanted to help — the soup kitchen still refused to let them in. So the atheists have come up with an alternative plan: [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 16, 2013
What Would It Take to Make Me Believe in God?
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