September 8, 2013
Bangladeshi Atheist Bloggers Indicted; Could Face Up to 14 Years in Prison
September 8, 2013
S.E. Cupp Explains How She Can Be a Conservative Atheist
September 8, 2013
Scottish National Church Is Livid Over Proposal To Ask Parents If Kids Should Worship in Public Schools

I hate online stores that begin sending you a barrage of promotional e-mails as soon as you place an order. They’re “opt-out” merchants, telling you belatedly — in tiny type — that you must choose not to receive their ads (to their credit, this is usually a quick and painless process, but by the time I do it, they’ve already put a bad taste in my mouth). Like most consumers, I much prefer the opt-in approach. Some merchants and brands are of enough interest to me that I like receiving their newsletters and special offers, and I’ll actively sign up. I would prefer that decision to be mine from the get-go, obviously, and I’ll wager that you feel the same way. The same thing goes for religion, times ten. It’s unwise to assume that I or my kids are dying to be anointed with religious snake oil, so please don’t sign us up unbidden for anything related to your phantasmagorical beliefs. In short, don’t be like Scotland. … If you have children in a Scottish school, it is assumed that you want them automatically enrolled in religious instruction as well as in actual worship. To say “No thanks,” you have to fill out paperwork to permanently excuse your tykes from the Jesus-y goodness that is so kindly proffered. Why doesn’t the assumption run the other way — with the default being that no child ought to be subjected to state-sponsored religious indoctrination unless parents explicitly sign their offspring up for it? [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 8, 2013
Christian Pastor Explains How He Denies Evolution Because He Doesn’t Want to Base His Life on ‘Myths’ and ‘Magic’

Here’s some advice for pastors: If you don’t know much about science, don’t write an article explaining why the foundation of science is wrong, exposing your ignorance for the world to see. That’s what Pastor John Martens of The Connection church in Maple Ridge, British Columbia did with his opinion piece for a local newspaper: … I just see the whole idea that one form of life (dog, donkey, dinosaur) changing into another form as impossible, even if you give it millions and millions of years. … That is just too fantastical for me. It smacks of medieval sorcery. No one ever tells me how these animals change, just that they did. Magically. Although I love myths, magic and science fiction — for entertainment — I don’t want to base my life on such things. … says the man who needs no explanation for Jesus’ miracles or a virgin birth. [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 8, 2013
Bill Nye’s Upcoming Appearance on Dancing with the Stars
September 7, 2013
Yale Humanist Community Makes First Hires
September 7, 2013
That Old-Time Religion: New Series To Kick Off on The Friendly Atheist. Your Help Needed.
September 7, 2013
The Difficulty of Being an Atheist College Administrator
September 7, 2013
New Zealand Politician Accused of Punching Atheist Teacher in the Head for Not Praying at Event
September 7, 2013
Jesuits Release Videos Welcoming LGBT People Without Necessarily Supporting Them
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