September 10, 2013
If an Anti-Atheist Story on Snopes Were Made Into a Film, It’d Be This One
September 10, 2013
Richard Dawkins Isn’t Defending ‘Mild Pedophilia’… but That Doesn’t Make His Comments Okay

Richard Dawkins is no stranger to saying provocative things that he finds harmless that also manage to offend plenty of other people. It’s fine, of course, when he’s criticizing religious beliefs or bad public policy. It’s harder to defend when he types out a tweet like the one he put out last month: All the world's Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, though.— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) August 8, 2013 While technically true, it’s easy to see how that could be interpreted as a criticism of Muslim people (and a slam on their intelligence) and not something about, say, a repressive culture in many Islamic countries that doesn’t allow all people to reach their full potential. He managed to outdo himself this past weekend as he prepares for the release of his memoir An Appetite for Wonder. His (to put it mildly) inarticulate way of talking about a sensitive subject has led to all sorts of well-deserved criticism today. In an interview with The Times’ Giles Whittell, which is behind a paywall but which you can read in full here, Dawkins recalled a teacher he had who was sexually abusive to students, yet Dawkins can’t bring himself to fully condemn him: [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 10, 2013
Shedding the ‘Agnostic’ Label
September 10, 2013
Church Leaders in Bermuda Want to Legalize Discrimination Based on ‘Religious Freedom’
September 10, 2013
Atheist Billboards Go Up in Bryan and College Station, Texas
September 10, 2013
Foundation Beyond Belief Rallies Humanists to Support Syrian Refugees
September 10, 2013
Pastor Refuses to Marry Couple an Hour Before Ceremony Because Bride’s Dress is Too Sexy
September 10, 2013
Why Did Israel Alter Science Textbooks at Religious Schools to Remove Aspects of the Female Anatomy?
September 9, 2013
Creationist Argues That the Big Bang Is ‘Bad Science’ Since ‘It Doesn’t Line Up with the Bible’
September 9, 2013
There Will Be No 11-Story Cross in Brandon, Mississippi; Church Decides Issue is Too Divisive

Last night, supporters of the planned 110-foot cross that was to go up in Brandon, Mississippi, were sorely disappointed by this message that appeared on the Facebook page dedicated to the initiative: After prayerful consideration, the Pastor, Staff leadership and Deacons of First Baptist Church Brandon have elected to immediately withdraw the churchʼs application for a variance from the City of Brandon Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of a 110 foot cross on church property. The decision to withdraw the variance application and end this controversy is motivated by our churchʼs love for our community and our deep desire to effectively minister in the Name of Jesus to our community. First Baptist Church of Brandon believes that our ability to minister to our community, our Jerusalem, is a priority calling that no amount of controversy or negative exposure should be allowed to damage. This decision is not a reflection upon our belief in the merit of the cross project. We steadfastly believe that the symbol of Godʼs plan of redemption, the symbol of His unmerited favor, the symbol of His sinless substitute for sinful man, should be raised and displayed in as many places as possible. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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