Terry Firma, though born and Journalism-school-educated in Europe, has lived in the U.S. for the past 20-odd years. Stateside, his feature articles have been published in the New York Times, Reason, Rolling Stone, Playboy, and Wired. Terry was the founder and Main Mischief Maker of Moral Compass, a now-dormant site that pokes fun at the delusional claim by people of faith that a belief in God equips them with superior moral standards. He was the Editor-in-Chief of two Manhattan-based magazines until he decided to give up commercial publishing for professional photography... with a lot of blogging on the side. These days, he lives in an old seaside farmhouse in Maine with his wife, three kids, and two big dogs.
Whatever things you may fault Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby for, a lack of chutzpah sure isn’t one of them. Yesterday, Welby called for British public broadcasters, especially the BBC, to “promote religious literacy.” In fact, he wants that goal to become part of the BBC’s official mission (called a charter) that the government periodically gives the broadcaster as a set of stringent guidelines and obligations. Read more
Sarwan Singh is an Indian Sikh who, like virtually all Sikhs, always wears his turban in public — its a requirement of his faith. But when Singh happened upon a drowning dog, and realized that if he unfurled his turban, he might be able to loop it around the animal and save it, he didn’t hesitate. Read more
A Christian schoolteacher from England, Richard Huckle, can no longer prey on vulnerable, impoverished children in Malaysia and Cambodia. The 30-year-old serial pedophile, who was arrested in 2014 after eight years of frequent sexual assaults on children as young as six months, received 22 life sentences from a British court yesterday. Read more