Hemant Mehta is the founder and editor of FriendlyAtheist.com, a YouTube creator, and podcast co-host. He is a former National Board Certified math teacher in the suburbs of Chicago. He has appeared on CNN and FOX News and served on the board of directors for Foundation Beyond Belief and the Secular Student Alliance. He has written multiple books, including I Sold My Soul on eBay and The Young Atheist's Survival Guide. He also edited the book Queer Disbelief.
I love this picture 🙂 Reader John snapped this image of his friends Amber and Jason with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s husband Marcus during the GOP Straw Poll in Iowa yesterday: ABC News’ Matt Jaffe noticed, too: When I was standing outside Bachmann’s tent, Marcus Bachmann was there shaking hands with supporters. One girl walked up wearing a t-shirt that said, “Some dudes marry dudes. Get over it.” She shook his hand and walked into the tent. Asked if she’d vote… Read more
1) As Kelley Freeman posted while I was away, Rock Beyond Belief is on! The free festival will feature musical acts and speakers (including Richard Dawkins) and it’s scheduled for March 31, 2012. I *really* love the logo: Way to get an Atheist (and FSM) dog tag in there 🙂 2) Also, for a limited time, the Stiefel Freethought Foundation is offering a $50,000 challenge to the Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers! Any donations from current military and veterans… Read more
As of a week ago, this was the vehicle sticker all cars needed to display in Blue Island, Illinois: As far as church/state separation goes, this is a low-priority case. But it might raise some eyebrows because a local government is using mandatory vehicle stickers to celebrate a church’s anniversary. The answer to this isn’t necessarily a lawsuit, but the city needs to know what the problem is and why they may be setting themselves up for trouble in the… Read more